Crap Guitar Sound ? Pro Tips on How to get a Amazing Guitar Tone from Your Guitar Amp The Simple Way
Get the best guitar tone out of your amp
#Crap #Guitar #Sound #Pro #Tips #Amazing #Guitar #Tone #Guitar #Amp #Simple
Originally posted by UCq4cUccUuNKdj0YvkmyVbQw at
Thanks again that helped me heaps.
Great tipps but it confused me when you say your running it through a vintage celestion 30,is that a speaker,or does the sound come out of the marshall?
I know one old school guitarist like you who had a killer tone on stage as well as at home. One of the things he did was putting the treble of the amp on max and cutting it down with his toneknob on the guitar. Trying it myself didnt worked out that well though.
I use Ampltiube5 the amp sim the first amp is a Marshall I've never used because it sounded super harsh , don't know why I never thought about turning all the treble way down, sounds really good after I messed around it like you showed , thanks!
You are teaching about tone
But reg sound quality of your video is embarrassing!!!!!!!
Can’t hear anything!!!!!!!!!
The amp volume is lower than your voice!!!!!!!!
Volume keeps changing up and down!!!!!!!
Nice to hear a DSL1 sounding very not crap. Pay attention folks, this guy knows what he's on about
Thanks so much for posting this one .. I’ve had this same amp head for a while now & didn’t like the sound I was getting unless I turned the treble off . I just thought there was something wrong with it.. thanks for reassuring me that it’s perfectly ok to do that ..
By deductive reasoning and a simple process of elimination (i bought a load of tube amps and a load of expensive guitars….and they ALL sound bad) i came to the conclusion its probably the bloke turning the knobs rather than anything connected to those knobs that is the common point of failure ????
Cheers for this!
So incredibly easy, but so incredibly nice. Great lesson, thanks. Do you have that lick in TAB? For us slow older learners.
Never imagined you could get so many tones from one amp. The beautifully versatile Telecaster. Can't wait to try out the settings on my Artist Tweed Tone 20R
Oh one other thing. It took me about 40 years of playing in various bands to realise that I did not need to lug around very powerful, high wattage amps to create a distinctive sound. I had a temporary ‘buggered up back’ which forced me to ditch my trusty Peavey 150W digital amp and buy a 20W valve amp instead. It’s been such a good move. My other 5 cents contribution is to share that playing a lead line with the back of your finger nail, and not a standard pick, can create an interesting sound, pinched harmonics in particular as Billy Gibbons does so well. Cheers David. ???? ????????
Thank you for this lecture Glen,
I almost sold my peavy classic 30. it now sounds really nice – away with pedals away!
Great to gain a better understanding of how to get the most out of your amp. I don't have an amp or a cab, and instead use something called S-Gear which is an amp / cab / pedal simulator that runs on pc. I use a USB audio interface to plug my guitar into the pc and the sound comes out through monitor speakers. Interestingly the software was created by Mike Scuffham who was a former amps designer at Marshall. S-Gear provides you with a choice of amps including a Marshall lookalike called The Stealer, but I was always baffled as how to set them up / how to tweak each knob. In that sense your guide has helped a lot. I know my set up is not as good as the real thing though and maybe one day I'll take the plunge? Great authentic channel, keep up the good work!
Great channel. I will recommend this to my students. ????????????
Very useful (as ever) Glenn. Suddenly makers of numerous effects pedals ‘grit their teeth’ as sales plummet while players work out that they can create lots of different sounds by experimenting with amp settings and tone controls ???? Appreciation for your tips from Australia ????????
New sub off of this video! Man, thank you so much. I have a Peavey Vypyr VIP 2 at the moment…I bet your tips are gonna help tremendously as I've found it challenging to get good tones…due to my lack of understanding amps! Can't wait to go experiment!!! That was AMAZING what you showed with the treble and mid…my amp is way too piercing with treble on. Thanks again!!!
Thats not what I call a good sound, I wouldn't be happy with that.
Hi what telecaster have you got.
You have inspired me to get one. ????
you know that treble knob has more positions than off and full on right?
That tone would never work in a band environment, it would get lost in the mix and trip all over the bass. On most marshalls all knobs at noon works pretty well. when dialing in a marshall i typically would start with all knobs at noon and tweak from there, which would usually end up looking like treble at noon to 1 oclock, mids anywhere from noon to 1 oclock (or higher in some cases) and bass anywhere from noon to 1 oclock. it's been said that setting a JCM 800 with all knobs at 6 is the perfect tone.
Plexi's are another beast all together, most of those end up with the treble and mids really high and the bass really low.
But treble completely off? nah.
9 times out of 10 on a YT vid you’re hearing the amp via a mic’d up cab run through a DAW with editing, not what the amp actually sounds like in the room. At least with a room mic you actually get a better idea of the true sound. Nice vid.
Cheers Glen, absolutely agree with your comments, I have pedals that i never use now, It is about the amp, your fingers, the way you play and off course the style of music you play, Brilliant video ????????????
Before setting up an amp, I back off the volume and tone controls on my guitar. This gives much more scope for tonal adjustment, and allows overdrive to be altered using just the volume control. Another tip: turning the bass, middle, and treble controls right down on some amps cuts the sound off completely. This allows you top set the amp's volume control higher, and then use the tone controls to tweak and shape the sound, without ever turning them up very far. This is a good way to get a decent sound at low volume.
Play with your knobs….. Got it!
Great tips Glen , loving the channel ????
For that amp you are using there, are there pedals that go well with it?
Glenn, many thanks for yet another great video, with very clear examples. At last I might be able to get something cool out of my Budda. Which I know must be great. Simple instructions. Love it. Its hard to disregard All Men Play On Ten though…
This is brilliant. Exactly what I've been looking for, fantastic tips & advice. I've subscribed to your channel
I think good tone sounds are a
very subjective thing for individuals to discern. It a bit like how everyone wants their pizza ???? you can garlic someone to death ???? same with reverb/ Echo. You have to create a spectrum that can sound great on a shitty little amp/speaker.Then it will sound great on any piece of Gear. Best Regards. ???? John.
I don't think that sound would be useful in a mix, it is too murky and will be drowned by the bass guitar and keys.
I've been struggling to set up my spark 40 amp properly for 2 years now.
Many thanks this should help me out lots. ????????????
Conclusion, middle is your friend. ????