Monday, March 3, 2025

44 thoughts on “MusicLab | RealGuitar 6 | Demo & Review

  • ALERT!!! ????????????As in the last giveaways, someone is pretending to be me and asking you to create a telegram account then asking for info. I do not use Telegram, nor do I ask my viewers for personal info (other than verifying they are subscribers for giveaways). I keep having to ban these fake accounts from my channel. Please do not engage with them. Report them or delete their comment. Or check their channel to verify whether they're real or not.

  • Can we change the pick sample? I would like to have a ridged pick as I play with the .38 picks sidways to grate the strings for a chimey sound instead of the flat sound you get with the soft part of the picks.

  • I bought RG 6 some days ago. That is a nice tool with many possibilities and articulations. But it sounds in the high register like a hapsichord….

  • I join the party late! It seems to me that this piece of software has the complexity and the configurability that I need for any acoustic guitar part that I need to add to a pop song, and I don't find this complexity in other sampled products. For nylon guitar, I've listen to better demos elsewhere. For strumming, I wonder if a sampled product has an intrinsic limitation that can be hidden for electric guitars, but is clear with acoustic guitars, where products based on loops, although not so flexible, have an easier realism.

  • all your VST guitar demo really beautiful to hear !! Every VST guitar devs should call you when they still on development phase . So later on we`ll getting useful and cool VST guitars

  • Neat demo… but my psyche was telling me (I suppose because I was seeing a keyboard), I was going to hear a piano, so many of the examples sounded pianoish and only a few examples somewhat resembled a guitar sound. The human brain is a fascinating device.

  • Thanks for the video! Did you happen to notice some delay (around 30 ms) after quantizing the Realguitar track? I also noticed – in some instances there's some a slowness (hesitancy) of the instrument behavior switching chords. I tried to shorten a strum time in settings but it caused unacceptable level of distortion.

  • What is the panning of notes like? Is it even or are higher notes panned right, and low notes panned left?

  • One thing keyboard players who imitate a guitar seem to forget is that with a chord, the guitar string are not hit all at once. That would be the same as slapping the strings. All chords, no matter how fast, are still strummed, and must be arpeggiated on the keyboard to sound right.

  • You have probably the best channels on youtube, amazing quality and delivery. I am interested in the bottleneck slide style of playing, i understand that realguitar can achieve this but can find no tutorial on youtube. Would very much appreciate it if you could demonstrate this technique.

  • this is massive improvement and they keep making significant updates but i really wish they upgrade the weakest aspects which the arpeggio and note blend when playing fingered styles like in libraries of Acoustic samples Sunbird and GD6 and perhaps orangetree sample acoustic guitars asides these MUSICLAB's guitars are in a league of their own especially the versatility of these plugins. sadly i missed the give away

  • Reverse bend on a real guitar is performed by bending the string before picking the note, then allowing the bend to relax back down to the root note.

  • Real guitar is a great product. The best part is the strumming realism. This is definitely a significant upgrade and keeps this product a serious competitor in the guitar vst world Especially given the recent fierce competition amongst programmers. It's versatility makes it king. Only downside is that you need a lot of time to make it great when fingering. Perhaps presets from gurus will help a great deal. Their demos tell the story. Thanks Reuben for this helpful demo

  • I found the "Virtual Instrument Course" and when I click on "Take me there", I am redirected to "/library" URL, where I don't see any information about this course. Is it a bug, or how can I enroll to the course?

  • please make a video how could I used it in a song, and how to place stop, so that it wouldn't keep on playing endlessly where I do not need it to play


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