Positive Grid SPARK Amp / JAZZ amps shootout
Positive Grid SPARK Amp / JAZZ amps shootout. We have selected 8 amp patches that are the most suitable for jazz. On all the amps we played a similar routine.
In the first part, we test them all with clean sound, without any effects.
In the second part, we go back to the 4 amps that in our opinion gave the best results, this time adding a light touch of compressor, delay, and reverb
Other videos about the Spark amp: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLePojiJFf_QSWYCVA9YJaZgsE-JuLfv9X
#Positive #Grid #SPARK #Amp #JAZZ #amps #shootout
Originally posted by UCx48iFl5f_cADRU5fafKVQQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TccQSNC83H4
Would be nice to upload these tones to the Spark Sound Cloud.
Im an idiot because i somehow anticipated all the things you are to be played and he did, and now regardless of tone i wanna buy the damn amp. ????
Mind if i ask, what would you use if you were trying to get close to a Pig Noise amp?
did you post it on positive grid app? Is there a way I can find your setting on musicloud?
Thanks for the input.. really like the 'Lux Verb' good for a lot of genre's…
Nice comparison, and sounds great! Would it be possible for you to upload those 4 amps with effects to the Tonecloud?
Oh for Chrissakes, do you expect everyone to bust out a magnifying glass so they can see the tiny amp models you're featuring in the corner of your video, on their mobile phone?
Really amateurish, dude.
Nice comparison thanks.
Other videos about the Spark amp: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLePojiJFf_QSWYCVA9YJaZgsE-JuLfv9X