Fender Player Plus Meteora HH Full Review and Demo
Today, Cooper’s finally got his hands on the new Player Plus Meteora HH from Fender, a wild offset guitar that brings the previously-released model into its permanent home. With Fireball humbuckers, space age colors, locking tuners, and a great-feeling neck, this guitar is an awesome choice for anyone looking to switch it up. Take a listen!
0:00 Intro/Specs
4:12 Clean Demo
6:24 Overdrive Demo
8:37 Final Thoughts
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#Fender #Player #Meteora #Full #Review #Demo
Originally posted by UCIB3DqQuXKmM7DzEMppafDA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iojm0T6-srE
Great demo, doggie
great review.thanks a lot!
you look like eminem haha
Seems so flexible. The splits Ned to be selective to be perfect though. I have an older guitar that does that split stuff and it can do almost anything or close enough. But Fender flunks again with the neck selection , or lack thereof, on this silver burst. I also think the neck is too chunky. Like an old Cort.
Seems so flexible. The splits Ned to be selective to be perfect though. I have an older guitar that does that split stuff and it can do almost anything or close enough. But Fender flunks again with the neck selection , or lack thereof, on this silver burst. I also think the neck is too chunky. Like an old Cort.
Seems so flexible. The splits Ned to be selective to be perfect though. I have an older guitar that does that split stuff and it can do almost anything or close enough. But Fender flunks again with the neck selection , or lack thereof, on this silver burst. I also think the neck is too chunky. Like an old Cort.
They did not put a slot style output jack for my Mustang Micro Amp. Fatal error.
It's a pretty rich sounding guitar really. I was watching 60 Cycle Hum cover it too, with his love of Surf Rock…this ax can get it
This guitar has so much range!
Monster guitar player, very tasty demo, well done Cooper,
Need this in more / different colors in the future!! Shell pink with maple neck, TV yellow, Pelham blue, etc!
Why doesn't Fender make the Sergio Vallin model anymore? It's as if they made it for two years and then just erased it from the line with no reasoning. They hardly promoted it and it's a very, very good design. I would hope to see future models with various pickups and controls.
They should put a Jazzmaster vibrato on it
Hi mate. Incredibly video. Could you please tell me the main difference between this model and a Fender Strato Plus Top? I am interested in the last model, but this new one looks very attractive. Thanks!
Terrific guitar
Amazing playing
Would it kill you to use dirty tone? Lol
from a marketing perspective, I think if they had unique pickups for this guitar they'd maybe sell more 🙂
Time for some new demo music. We love Cooper.
Cooper!!!!! Nice playing!!!! I actually just bought one of these for my birthday and man lemme tell you, it’s a bad SOB!!! I have an explorer, a Les Paul Standard, and an SG and so far I’ve put them aside so I can play my new Fender Meteora…. It has a feel and note clarity that I can’t even explain…. Maybe I finally found the perfect guitar…..
This is the best Meteora Mk. III (you know, cos it's the third version at this point) demo I've seen on YouTube and I've checked out a lot. Cooper is a totally pro, tasteful player, very tidy and lots of feel.
I have one of these in Cosmic Jade and it's one of the best guitars I've ever played, owned or heard. For those moaning about the brightness of the guitar – remember, it's got two tone controls and one volume for a reason. Turn the treble down on your amp (also good for cutting hiss by the way) and then if/when you coil tap roll back the bridge tone control a little. Or, just roll back the volume a tiny bit and it takes the brightness off that way. Either approach = problem solved. You don't need to run a guitar with every control on full all of the time.
I just played one today and I was blown away!! I am a Gibson Les Paul guy but I am thinking about making a change……
Man.. if Cooper can’t make a guitar sound good then look elsewhere. If this is your first check other Alamo videos Cooper’s playing is just out of this world. I was about to buy this one for a steal $350 but I won’t now.. thank the lord for this video
The guitar doesn't stay in tune. I'm out.
That’s a big ass body it’s like dating a pretty fat girl.
my big complaint is that the input jack is on the outside of the body rather than being inlaid to the top like a strat, that kinda defeats the purpose of designing it for seated position to me. i'd be all over this guitar if that was not the case. i also think they got the neck colors backwards. the black and sunburst body colors have maple necks and the blue and green have rosewood and i think it would probably look better the other way around. these guitars are so modular i don't know why the option to have whatever you want isn't there.
Great review! Hows does this guitar feel balance wise? Does it sit awkwardly or have neck dive at all?
Should've named it the Vaginaora because it seems to lack balls. You have a 2 humbucker guitar here Fender! Where's the gristle? Wheres the rock??
Nicer guitar, even nicer playing! Sounding great Cooper!
Looks a lot better in that colour scheme
I just found out about these guitars on Sweetwater! Thanks for this video!
Great demo as always 🙂
This guitar seems amazing, but that aside I love that main riff you were playing for the cleans. And in general your playing is excellent.
Do you happen to have any word on if Fender will bring a lefty Meteora to market?
Beautiful playing!
Nice guitar. You were recommended by Jim at Audiomo music. I subscribed.
Every time you say Fireball I see the shots from Fireball XL-5 that Anderton used.
Nice presentation, Cooper.
I like the look of this guitar. It sounded OK, but, man, those split coils sounded wimpy. I feel it worked better with the more driven tones than with the clean ones. It will be interesting to see if this guitar can find itself a niche.
great stuff! any chance you can review or do a comparison with the "inspired by gibson" epiphone acoustics ej200 and/or hummingbird? thanks.