Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Amps

Should You Buy a SHORT-SCALE Strat?

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????Description: The Fender Japan Junior Series utilizes a 24″ Scale Length on their electric guitars and slightly shrunken bodies. Tonight, we are checking out a viewer’s Fender Japan Junior Stratocaster that he asked for my help importing.

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0:00 – Intro
0:08 – First Look / Fender Japan Junior Collection
3:13 – Gig Bag Look
3:38 – Inside Look / Specs
9:47 – Clean Tones
12:54 – Dirty Tones
15:34 – Final Thoughts
17:09 – Watch Next

⚙️ Gear Used to Make the Show: (AFFILIATE LINKS)
Guitar + Recording:
George L’s Guitar Lead: ebay – https://goo.gl/6SjCeG
Shure SM57 (Amp Cab Mic): ebay – https://goo.gl/JK9bAC
Audio Interface – Roland Duo Capture EX – amazon – https://amzn.to/2tkIBed
+ Universal Audio Apollo Twin: amazon – https://amzn.to/2uYeeKN
Headphones: Focal Listen Professional: amazon – https://amzn.to/2tonXtI
Rode Videomic Go (backup audio): amazon – https://amzn.to/2vHNzm5
Lens: Lumix 12-35mm : ebay – https://goo.gl/NP6dQd
Computer: Mac Pro 2013 – amazon – https://amzn.to/37L9eb4
Editing Software: Final Cut Pro X – ebay – https://goo.gl/oiU3L2
American DJ Eco UV Bar Plus Blacklight: ebay – https://goo.gl/1E4ELt
Panasonic Lumix GH-4: amazon – https://amzn.to/2Se3akM
Camera Gimbal: amazon – https://amzn.to/38KxYk9
Camera Slider: amazon – https://amzn.to/3bTIXK1
Rode NTG-2 (vocal + room mic): amazon – https://amzn.to/2UjxmxA


Originally posted by UCsNBeL5vY5GZT_g_4D3QAFQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7fPDpORir8

24 thoughts on “Should You Buy a SHORT-SCALE Strat?

  • Good deets and nicely shot visuals. This 24” scale/ pick ups Feels like a Mustang but bites like a Strat. Ring mod fuzz sounds PoP! Index finger down bends and woozy articulated, ‘vocalized’ notes are very accessible without SRV or Hendrix strength hands; very light touch required but thumb over control goes boom. Alternatively-I’ve been building Warmoth strats for years-24 3/4” ‘conversion’ necked. Now making short scale Warmoth 7/8th bodies with Mustang necks- but they are 2 knob setups so this is a better transition for older hands/ players. If you’re not handy Pick every piece + part and the ‘12th fret’ shop in Toronto will expertly assemble your Warmoth order for $300- true custom for under $1500. My first 12th fret project was in ‘96 with original owners- stainless steel true jumbo frets still have good play. Warmoth . Com is at least fun to scroll through.

  • Wow!! I like your video especially because I like short scale guitar. A new subscriber here. Keep up the good work!! ????????????????

  • About the pickguard, yeah! I received a 24" scale strat with significant damage so I got to keep it for free. BUT! It was very hard to find a pickguard that fit, and I couldn't use one as a stencil to have one made. I found one for this series and it mostly fit.

  • I do have large hands and I rather play short scale length guitars, my Strat is 24", I also have a Ibanez that I think is something around that, the last frets are a little difficult to me, but is a worthy trade-off considering the playability overall, funny enough, I'm also a bass player and in basses I hate short scale, but I love in guitars… Short scale bass is too muddy for me, also the resonance… Not good, but those are my personal views.

  • I have one, and I prefer it over a standard Stratocaster. I've never been a major fan of the Strat. I could never get comfortable with them, but I've always liked the tones you can get from it. I normally play Telecasters (I own a Deluxe and a Thinline), and I enjoy playing Mustangs and Duo-Sonics. I've never had trouble with the tuning stability of a 24" scale guitar using Ernie Ball Regular Slinky. I've been considering getting a second one, this time finished in black with a maple neck and board.

  • ❤nice video Trogg. Japan has had some interesting and different Fenders. Some were great ideas and some just sucked. I just built a 24 3/4" scale Telecaster. I am still thinking about building a thinline Jaguar like they also made in Japan. Have a good one.

  • I have this one in surf green, it's really well made but the electronics could be better imo, my only issue over time so far is the bass side bridge post on the tremolo is poking out slightly, gonna fix that soon but this video makes me wonder if they're all prone to that.

    Side note the first thing i noticed is how shiny the bare wood fretboard was lol haven't seen a guitar like that since

  • What does the shorter scale length have anything to do with a skinnier neck or fretboard? I always wanted a neck that is skinnier near the heel so that the higher registers low end strings are more playable.

  • I wanted to get one of these when they first came out but other gear acquisitions and disposals got in the way. I am tempted again.

  • Question: Can you put a short scale neck, say Warmouth on a tele or strat without having to move the bridge? Thanks.

  • I got one of these from a dealer in Germany and I absolutely love it. Short finger syndrome me prefers the 24 inch scale length. And it sounds and plays gorgeous imho. I can recommend trying it out.

  • My 11yo daughter is ready to spend her life savings on one of these. I couldn't be prouder. Now, her mom and I get to surprise her with it on her birthday and blow her mind.

  • Ok, that’s really cool! I have the mini strat and mini p bass, both are really fun to play, but this is a much more serious instrument ❤


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