Wednesday, March 5, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

My Favorite JHS Pedals

Today I’m showing you my favorite JHS Pedals and how I use them to achieve the sounds I want. Along with Nick and Zach, we create four different styles of music with these pedals and I explain my approach when I use them to create all the tones that fit each genre. In the comments let me know where you first heard of us, what your favorite JHS Pedals are, which ones you own, and how you use them!

Josh’s T-Shirt is from
Use the code JHS20 to get 20% off your order!

Demos of these pedals:
Pulp N Peel V4
Charlie Brown V4
Morning Glory V4
Twin Twelve V2
Panther Cub V2
Unicorn V2
Mini Foot Fuzz V2

Check out the gear in this and past episodes here:

Guitars Josh plays in this episode:
Synsonics Pro Series Strat-Style Guitar
Gibson SG
Iconic JM Elegante
Nystrum Kestrel

Gear in this episode:
1:32 JHS Pedals Pulp N Peel V4
1:56 JHS Pedals Morning Glory V4
2:18 JHS Pedals Charlie Brown V4
2:24 JHS Pedals Unicorn V2
3:46 JHS Pedals Twin Twelve V2
4:42 JHS Pedals Crayon
6:33 JHS Pedals Mini Foot Fuzz V2
6:50 JHS Pedals Panther Cub V2
7:07 JHS Pedals Unicorn V2
7:12 JHS Pedals Morning Glory V4
9:28 JHS Pedals Pulp N Peel V4
9:38 JHS Pedals Charlie Brown V4
10:23 JHS Pedals Panther Cub V2
10:38 JHS Pedals Crayon

Record Time:
Pavement – Brighten The Corners

Josh’s record player is by U-Turn Audio:

#jhs #thejhsshow #jhspedals

#Favorite #JHS #Pedals

Originally posted by UCjfbkA4jJkJY5g0wbjuoZWA at

46 thoughts on “My Favorite JHS Pedals

  • I have been building my pedalboard/rig for the past year after not playing for quite some time. I was grossly undereducated on the gear market and gear history. I found this channel when i was looking for a good tuner and you made me get the Waza TU-3. Since then, I've added 20 pedals to 2 boards. I got my amp serviced. 4 new guitars. And my playing is at a level I never reached before. My knowledge of pedals, signal chains, tone, and everything guitar has blossomed into a massive pastime. Thank you so much Josh for the content and the inspiration. I now have the Morning Glory v4, Packrat, Unicorn v2, Emperor v2, Kodiak, and Notaklön from JHS. Your pedals are glorious and they are some of the best parts of my almost $4k rig. ❤

  • Great video, Josh, and in addition to your technical and business skills you're quite the guitar player. What would you recommend as a first overdrive pedal for my new tele? Would like to get it gritty now and then without sounding harsh. BTW, I would guess you also like the new Hard Quartet album. I love it!

  • 5 years after the video drops… Pavement is OUTSTANDING!! Belated thanks for the tip, Josh. Also a bit of a Cake vibe to the music.

  • Hey Josh, this is an awesome video and demo of some great pedals! Given that it’s 5yrs old, I was wondering if through things have changed and if you would be interested in doing a “Part 2” with some of the more recent pedals JHS has put on the market?

  • 3 series chorus ???? the vibrato mode is really special and the chorus itself is top notch. I just never use it! The vibrato is so good ????

  • My first and favorite pedal was the Unicorn. My dad had V1, which btw I loved the larger enclosure and would pay extra for especially if it was in orange lol. This was back before I really got into pedals and thought it was chorus. When I got my V2, I was like “why can’t I make the chorus sound?”. After I started playing around with the settings, I found just an awesome sound that paired really well with my open tuning style of songs. 2:24

  • Slanted and Enchanted is the ultimate slacker rock album, but Brighten The Corners is easily the most underrated Pavement record.

  • PS, I love your guitar playing when you play notes that are common to western harmony ;^0

  • Brighten the Corners is point at which Malkmus really starts to pull away from the rest of the band in terms of sophistication as a musician and songwriter and is therefore the beginning of the end of Pavement.

  • Is that a capisator on Josh's t-shirt?
    I first heard of JHS Nov. 2023 with Notaklön videos. Started watching old and new shows and was hooked. Now, I've seen most all of the JHS shows and have learned a lot. I ordered the Bonsai and Notaklön the same day. Notaklön arrived 05/05/2024???? been playing ever since. I've been lucky enough to have gotten a Pack Rat ???? recently and now saving for a Muffuletta….mebby Christmas ???? or my next birthday in March.

  • Just because Josh owns a pedal company doesn't mean he owes anyone anything. Most of yall judging cant even find a Phillips head screwdriver to change out the 9 volt battery in most pedals.

  • I like a wide range of music but I had no idea I was a "Mid 2000's adult, contemporary, alternative, country rock that your mum would like " guy? Thanks lads

  • Damn, I've never seen Josh rip like this. I figured he had some mad skills, but many of his demos seem built mostly around an ambient vibe more than his ability to shred. In a way that's good because his demos feature the pedal more so than playing thru the roof. Gotta admit when the demo guy is a thousand times better than me, I figure the pedal won't sound "magic" in my hands like it does in theirs. If he only looks 500x better than me, I might like what I can do with the pedal. ????

  • Would love my first JHS to be a Morning Glory, Pulp and Peel or Unicorn. ????great brand and channel

  • I just bought my first JHS pedal, which is the three series delay. I got it to move away from the MXR carbon copy which I actually love, but I needed more of the digital sound. I’m actually really interested in the Haunting Mids pedal. I’m not sure I really need it, I just want it!

  • Great episode. A good demo of JHS boutique pedals. I wanted to hear this. Very nice.

  • Jhs pedals owe the worship community across the country. Churches use more JHS Pedals than anyone

  • I only have the 3 fuzz and 3 reverb but I want to get more!

    The 3verb is great. I use it with the predelay almost always on, with the tone down low (almost always below 10 o’clock) and I can get a rich natural ambiance or a huge blooming atmosphere by tweaking the mix and decay.

    The 3 Fuzz I love to use as a light dirt and stack into others, or I dime the bias and fuzz for splatty nonsense.

  • I stack the Morning Glory with (auxiliary more boost switch ) with the angry Charlie. Basically 3 gain stages – clean with pick attack crunch, overdrive with aux switch on , Plexi with the Angry Charlie. With Both pedals on – swear words.

  • that bend at 5:55 is DISGUSTING! love your style and just bought another JHS pedal! keep up all this awesome content JHS crew

  • Love my unicorn it’s the only pedal that sounds more Jimi than the micro vibe.. it’s magical ????

  • That Pavement album is great! I just bought a Morning Glory off Reverb. I can’t wait to hear it. I owned a Lucky Cat for a while but a Nano Deluxe Memory Man beat it out in the battle for pedal board real estate. JHS videos and products are insanely amazing!

  • if youve never watched vsauce "will we ever run out of new music." on need to…please make a video discussing this topic. You are pushing the boundaries of what is comfortable or familiar for most listeners on somew of your jams. I personally find it refreshing and inspirational. like. lets go there. lol. watch the video and youll know what i mean.


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