P Bass Vs Jazz Bass? Which One Is Better?
P Bass Of Jazz Bass? This Question Has Been Asked By So Many Previously And Now By Me! In Todays Video I Take You Through The Ups And Downs Of Each Bass And What One You May Want For Your Bass! Both Are Great Basses Though And Have Wide Use Across The Globe! Neither Is A Bad Decision. Enjoy!
#Bass #Jazz #Bass
Originally posted by UClY_V8uJ_oAAvLmZQUH24pQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsBEN5aJT9s
What's Better For You P Or J? Hope This Has Helped Anyone On The Fence! Cheers!
J bass with a P bass pickup.
Man…I have a fender pro 2 bass and I love it. And I have a Sire V7 jazz and I love it. So I play them both everyday. Both amazing basses. If you never played a Sire they're excellent and compare to a Fender and are much cheaper.
What are that sponge near the tuner for? Ive never seen that kind of thing
And whats the type of fender J that has that 5 small tuner on 1 side? Really like those