Gretsch Duo Jet G6128T Electric Guitar Review
Gretsch Duo Jet G6128T Electric Guitar Review
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#Gretsch #Duo #Jet #G6128T #Electric #Guitar #Review
Originally posted by UC-oSaKCCEffJph0F7m6_xfA at
It's essentially the George Harrison guitar without the signature and signature price.
thnx nice to see someone tell what amp they are using as sound reviews are at times of little value without a ballpark starting sound
Dynasonic pickups are a nice traditional touch. I have those pickups in a 6120. Excellent presentation as always.????♥️
I find a 120 bpm drum track on YouTube, plug my Duo Jet into a 12"x12" Kustom amp with a Digi Tech foot pedal, drink two beers, smoke a bowl and……………………………………cya!
I have three Gretsches. I would NEVER want to part with them., They are truly the Cadillac of guitars. They're well made and versatile. Being Japanese made it's been manufactured to the best specifications ever. You can't go wrong with a Gretsch.I avoided them for the longest time because they were considered 'old man' guitars. Then I got my first one. I added two more after. I was wrong about them.
Beautiful! I just ordered one of these. A cantilever neck-join like the Hofner bass? Excellent review m8!
Left handed guitars mess with my brain so much I literally cannot understand how they are left handed
It’s like seeing a English car as an American driver
It’s like a taboo
Ever compare this to the version with filtertrons instead of dynasonics?
I just won the George Harrison Dou-Jet Pro at Truefire….thanks for the preview……
Personally prefer the slighly more expensive version more which has the switch as tone knob. But dang, every single duo jet is beautiful and plays great.
Especially those bigsby's not only look great but sound great too.
Great video,do you think the single coil pickups would be better for rockabilly/surf compared to the duo jet with humbuckers?
This is great, thanks for putting this up! I have quite a few videos on my channel playing jazz and rockabilly on one of these, it’s my number 1 guitar. Check it out!
If you can track that guitar down I'll buy it today. Message me pleaee
That was not given a fair chance in the clean channel by a very long shot.
Gibson sucks…
It should be illegal to pick up a 6128T and not play I saw Her Standing There just like George Harrison did back in 1962.
I'm really surprised with a guitar at that price that they just have a notched bar for a bridge and can't set intonation! Malcolm Young would have been stuffed playing those 13-60's (then again he didn't play much about the 5th fret)! I would have thought they'd have their roller bridge on there with the bigsby
Amazing Sound!
I always have been a fan of the look of their single cuts. Those pups sound great.
That’s a sexy guitar with some sick tones! I would definitely be interested in that guitar!! Awesome video Shane!????????????????????????????????????
Great review! I own this guitar it was made in 1994! It's aged very well! Great demo and great playing Shane.
Beautiful guitar Shane!
The tone was not nearly as good as your PRS delta blues video.
That guitar' s pickups might work better with Rockabilly tones.
The Bigsby does seem to work very well too.
That's a great guitar and you sound great on it. You should buy it!