Style of Knocking on Heaven’s Door – How to Play Slash’s 2nd Guitar Solo Lesson
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#Style #Knocking #Heavens #Door #Play #Slashs #2nd #Guitar #Solo #Lesson
Originally posted by UCJgRMHrtQpnhKHdsGiFQRyQ at
Your amazing on ???? bro I watch you all the time
What effects/amp settings u used to get this tone? Thanks
Me who’s able to perfectly play the solo but can’t tune a guitar by ear if you killed me.
nervous laughter
Thanks Marty! I started guitar all because of this song and i hope to learn the whole song by practicing the solo 1 and 2!!!! still struggling with part 0:19 <3
Went to play this and learned as far as the “last fret” LOL. my guitar doesn’t have that last one
In this way the guitar is very useful if it is a close tutorial.thanku
Wish I was naturally talented,,1st solo easy 2nd trying but no luck,,no problem playing rhythm just not talented to play lead,,can't figure it out can play about 20-30 chords but that solo escapes me,,,,
Can you please explain the bends like, how many times to strum the bends and so on. its very difficult without that key information thank you.
Want to learn on acoustic guitar
Carl brown
Carl brown
Nice sound sir ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I never thought there song which will be played on the last fret….untill this song
My from bali like this melody …
Nice detail ????????
You rock Marty!
the tone ..
I've been playing for 21 years and I still appreciate the patience that goes into slowing songs down like this for people.
Firehouse here for you solo next
Nice one, as always dude! Thank you! xx
my guitar doesn´t even have so many frets ^^
This is the very first song + (1st) solo I learnt when I was kid. Fast 4ward 30+yrs and I finally got around to learning the 2nd solo tonight thx to Marty Schwartz (God luv ya, Mate!).
That's a pretty bad statistic: it took me over 30yrs to learn Knockin on Heaven's Door! But when I finally got to it, it took ten minutes. Ten flippin minutes! I should've done this before now! Hahaha.
I don't have that last frett????
good my guitar has 24 frets. and is using emg pickups a good idea?
Thanks Marty great lesson
thanks..very cool.. 🙂
This is an old video but I still come and find you Marty and watch to learn how to play solos and such. You make it look so easy and you make me feel confident in learning just watching your playing and me following suit. Thanks Marty keep em coming
this asshole teaches the last part completely different than how he plays it in the opener.. like WTF
Nice outro sir ???????? for the past few months i've been learning a lot from your videos, thanks a lot !!!!!
enybody help, wich is the amp seetings???
traded one of my mexican strats for and esp ltd just so i could play this
YounRock Marty you've played my whole favorite song
Hahah that endimg tho
thank you sir
Hey Marty! What kind of pedal are you using?
my idol
I literally cream my pants every time I hear that Gm at 00:41
8:06 so i know where i left off
Why'd I buy a bloody stratocaster
Dude y ur face seems like joker lol
Marty you are the best for tutorials plus you totally rock man lol
motherflippin awesome
I have a les Paul and it's quite uncomfortable to play that solo on this guitar
Can someone tell me the difference between a 300$ and 2000$ guitar
my fingers hate you Marty ????
Marty you rule