Rib13 Bass – Behringer TO 800 Vintage Tube Overdrive Pedal Review for Bass
My first gear review! #behringer TO 800 vintage tube overdrive pedal. #fenderprecisionbass #pbass #bass
#Rib13 #Bass #Behringer #Vintage #Tube #Overdrive #Pedal #Review #Bass
Originally posted by UCcX69Nqf6t0VLfLqGdahoXg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xSWkcQJTVM
I'm all about the affordable gear. Mainly because I can't justify anything better for my skill level.
A cool OD pedal that I have is the DOD Mystic Blues OD. Mainly for the separate bass and treble EQ. Helps fight the bass tone suck
Love this, alot of people complain about low end cut. I just think it helps kick drums stand out more
Great video review man. Made me laugh good as well. Keep it up! Subscribed!
I also have this pedal, bought it just out of curiosity. For my settings it eats quite a lot of low end, so I am using it only in parallel processing. I have Boss LS2 pedal, and split the signal to two parts – distorted and clean.
I run mine with the tone almost all the way down and the drive around noon, I run it through a Trace Elliot GP7 6 Series head with a Eden XLT 4×10 and Ampeg Classic 1×15 plus an MXR Bass DI.
I thought the MMA fighter Bas Rutten was playing bass ????????????, this pedal works really nicely for bass overdrive ????. I just uploaded a short video with it
5 out of 5 Stars on Bass Face in the demo.
Geddy Lee?
Really enjoy your videos. I think i caught on to your channel through reddit. Wish you maximum success!
I always really enjoy your videos mate, more people need to know about your channel! Keep up the awesome work ????
Did you do this just because I bought a real Tube Screamer last week? LOL.
Great vid Rib, keep up the good work!
Mandatory comment to make YT algorithms think that it is a quality content. Because it is.
As a pedal guy who also really appreciates an amp and bass kinda gig too, this was a great pedal review. Your lack of knowledge led to a refreshingly simple demo and review. I personally hate tube screamers, but love you reviews and sense of humor.
Rock On
Honestly bud, I don’t know too much about overdrive pedals either. Or just pedals in general. I’m more of a guitar-cable-amp guy, and squeeze out your tones from your fingers and guitar controls. Imagine that, a guitar player that doesn’t have a loaded up pedal board. But I know one thing, you sure made this highly affordable pedal sound really good! As I always say, it’s the player, not how much gear they have.
Great video, one suggestion for future overdrive demos. Turn it all the way up use a pick and play Motley Crue's Dr. Feelgood. one of the best bass lines for overdrive demos.