The ‘Groovy Metronome’ Tip For Better Bass Practice!
In this lesson we’re going to look at a popular tip for adding interest to a metronome click.
Metronomes can be a great tool for bass practice when you want to add some pressure testing or if you want to keep track of improvements in speed of a line over time. But that incessant click, click, click can be annoying and it doesn’t have much ‘groove’. It’s just a constant pulse.
Using the tip in this lesson you can create a more interesting click that will test your time and allow you to feel the groove a little better.
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#Groovy #Metronome #Tip #Bass #Practice
Originally posted by UCDfStxwji-22A_bvY280UIg at
Mark,you are going way too fast and you are rushing it. Take a few tips from Rich Brown and his rhythm teaching concepts. Absolute brilliance. Thank you for the videos but this is too fast.
Super Cool!!! All of a sudden metronomes are funk machines!!!
Another great tip. Thanks very much
Get yourself a Teenage Engineering PO-12 , PO14 , or PO-32 pocket operator, set up a groovy rythm, and use that for metronome .. as groovy as you can imagine and feels like playing with a band.. great for getting that servicing and playing with drummer feeling …
Great job Mark, thanks!
Beautiful ????
Nice lesson as usual, it feels different, easier to follow, thank you Mark! ????????
Could you please make viktor wooten classical thump tutorial?
First time I heard of that was in words of our beloved Carol Kaye
Question… why not just use an effects pedal's built-in rhythm feature? Many have it, except some Boss units. It sounds like a real drummer…
awesome, love this trick… especially the point where you keep counting when pressing, because i always have this problem, that i can`t here the silence as the "one".
lovely bass this one! best bass channel on YT
That's pretty cool, I just use my $60 looper pedal that has adjustable Metronome and Drum patterns built in.
That was a fast one!
Bought myself an olde fashioned windup metronome. Decided I don't need a computer or phone for every flippin' thing in my life.
Nice job again Mark, as usual. Just a quick, and very practical, tip – although I'm not sure if 'tip' is the right word, it's more substantial. It's the kind of thing that can change how (or even IF) you practice for the next 20-30 years and we all know what that can change. Everything. And I really appreciate your delivery, it sure seems like you genuinely want to help us play the bass better. You're a great teacher. Thank you!
How did you get that p bass done it has a really cool growl
I like that riff can you teacg it?
Great to improve time and increase pleasure while make experience ????????????????
I do need more lessons like this one, merci beaucoup.
wise words
davie420 gang gang
Once again, thank you, Mark fo another great tip. I never really got into using the metronome, and you just showed me why – and how to fix my major issue with it.
You're a great asset for so many people – please keep it up
PS – your scales app is absolutely the best scales practice and reference tool there is
I'm new to music, but what is the reason youd put it on 2 and 4, and not 1 and 3?