Lead Guitar Lessons – Solo Concepts with Minor Progressions and modes – how to solo
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#Lead #Guitar #Lessons #Solo #Concepts #Minor #Progressions #modes #solo
Originally posted by UCXpLzoqkE9JiOSZPR6kRvKg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beGVqQLWkOw
not one bit lol
@bestdrummerntheworld love you too
i hate all of you
Goddam marty you alwys blow up my YT SEARCH
your definitely the bets guitar teacher on youtube
you are the best
what was that guitar?
it was really nyc… thanks marty…
no idea what hes talking about 🙁
Thanks Marty. Great lesson!
Nice video Marty Friedm- I mean Schwartz 🙂
Cool vids bro, Ima check out all the others, i need to work on my soloing
nice marty .i m ur big fan
0:45 penguin face
Marty, you're the freakin' bomb.
three peoples can't play guitar
by far the greatest instructional video i've seen.. thx bro
i Thought this was the song solo by iyaz 🙁
i didnt practice in a while and now im geting probs ta play a pentatonic minor =(
this guy looks like rob schnider ;D
that's a big beautiful guitar
listen to paul gilberts Fly Me To The Moon its the same chords he ripps the song its dope check it out
lol man you are actually so sick. u sound so good
Ive been progessing alot lately just from watching you play – awesome lessons.
lol face at 6:07… but on a more serious note, i watched this video when it first came out, and it was too advanced for me… i used some of your other videos (and a few hours of practice daily) and i can actually understand this one.
this was honestly a great lesson, but coming from you, thats nothing special, since theyre all great 🙂
i love this intermediate embellishment mode scale lessons. everything i hoped for. keep em comin
Excellent lesson Marty! Thats the stuff I been looking for. Can't wait for your new solo guitar DVD. Keep it coming!
very cool thanks
Ok thanks man,
I'll buy a copy soon i gues!
…and your english isn't that bad i'd say 😉
yo marty we and a freind posted a cover tune on here as a response showing what we learnt from your lesson man. Thanks for everything, your a great teacher. Peace all guitar players here, you make music that is truly respected.
you have 10 guitars???!? And their even top line……man im broke………….guitarists and music dont mix
i like what u were saying Marty with the
e ——-6———
b -3-4—-4-3*–
but for everyone playing with this, add some sexy flavor by bending the 2nd D note(D note on the B string, the 3*) to the e flat and its more blue-sy.. so its more like
where the 3^ is the half-step bend. u can do that with the other notes with whole or half step bends to push them into the minor blues scale. try it!
hey dude,
i think the blues dvd will be the best choice.
i´ve got the 4 dvd set which includes the Beginner Acoustic 1 + 2 , Country , and blues dvd´s
they´re really cool.
i hope you understand what i want to say,my english isnt good 😀
Marty's face from 7:18 to 7:30
great lesson btw
Little question… wich of your dvd(sets) leans closest to this vid?
Playin for few months so im beginner… got the scales down.. kinde :)… but im looking for the dvd that will help me expanding scales… and tons of licks ofc 😉
Thank you, that helped =]
Try mailing him, or at twitter, he answered me…
name of guitar?