SX Guitars Review Part 2 – Les Paul & SG Models
Jow & Alex continue to checkout the great value SX guitar range.
In this video we checkout the Les Paul and SG copies
#Guitars #Review #Part #Les #Paul #Models
Originally posted by UCD1QuprEDYyM17lB3sOsluQ at
I wish that one of these days I can see an honest guitar review. Nobody ever says anything bad about guitars. Any decent guitar player can make a piece of crap guitar sound good. Tell the truth to people. Is it pure shit or is it really ok? Are you all paid by these companies?
What size strings are on the Les Paul?
I’m glad u used the same riff to hear the difference
Je viens d acheter la Sx Sg pour 60€… ????????????
I have the SX LP and it sounds really great, totally different to this, maybe it’s the amp?
Which of you is a Scottish one ?
Lp: 0:00
Lp distorted: 1:50
Sg: 3:16
Sg distorted: 4:28
Whats the song hes playin on the lp ?
Sadly alot of SX customers has moved to Harley Benton.
How can I upgrade this guitar
just ordered the sg yesterday
What riff is this????? It's very cool
A funny thing about the SX SG is that it’s got a better veneer on it than the new Epiphone SG Standard
Wow that was bad
Hi guys does this model of SG have the dredded neck dive ???
When did you guys get these? I haven't seen an SX that wasn't a strat or tele (besides their "Liquid" design) on Rondo Music in ages.
Sounds nice!
To bad that sg has the bolt on neck dont know about the lp thou