How To Get The Original Rockabilly Sound
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This is the long due and much requested lesson on how to get an authentic rockabilly sound! I hope it helps some of you pickers out there.
Also check out my friends with the Elvis Scotty and Bill Show for the best Scotty Moore sound today.
#Original #Rockabilly #Sound
Originally posted by UCg9Vdgrtb1B2d9zG4pvIemg at
How do you like the guild? I have been thinking of getting one.
Thanks for sharing this one.
Hey Randy, way cool. And dig that haircut!
Still one of the best, most honest, and most informative rockabilly guitar videos on YouTube. Broke my heart to hear your news today. You are in my thoughts and prayers. A hearty thank you for all you’ve done to help us humble rockabilly wannabes learn a little guitar. Take care, my friend.
The Songs Elvis And The Blue Moon Boys Recorded All Went Thru That Reel To Reel Tape Delay (Echo) Sam Phillips Created By Accident! When They Were Touring Scotty Needed That Echo Sound! So He Got Ray Butts To Build Him An Echo Sonic Amp Like Chet Atkins Used! Not Always Plain Jane With No Effects! RCA Couldn’t Fugure Out An Echo So Elvis Stood In A Stairwell To Get The Iconic Heartbreak Hotel Echo Sound
Thanks for doing this!
Your tone is amazing
Hey, you look like a crazy boy.
I was hoping to hear what pickup or pickups combination you use and maybe hand placement, like closer to the bridge or more toward the neck pickup? It sounded to me like you were using the bridge pickup but I'm not sure. Maybe the middle selector and place picking hand closer to the bridge?
Agree 100%
I'm 21 and I've been obsessed with rockabilly since I was 4 Luther Perkins is my number one Guitar hero and has been since I was 4 howdy from North Carolina
What model Guild is that please it’s awesome
This is such a great clip!! Never gets old. Thank you Randy
All I’ve learned from this video is that I can play Carl Perkins, and sound pretty authentic, using my Charvel superstrat
Drummers used brushes a lot more back then. Don't forget the brushes, drummers!
Will definitely implement in my practice ????????
Rockabilly originally was Flatt and Scruggs done to the Bill Haley beat which was rock and roll back then.Bill Flagg was first artist to use Rockabilly as a form of music in Hartford,CT in 1954 and then on record after record co. picked him up out of Hartford,ct not Memphis like everyone has been told,Fake news,as the The Donald says.
That B.C is terrible. Hahahaha
Lol! Nice BC Rich
Den Leuten zu erklären, daß nahezu jede Gitarre für Rockabilly zu gebrauchen ist, ist wie der Kampf gegen die Windmühlen. Dabei erinnere ich mich an meine Jugend, wo wirklich jede nur greifbare Gitarre eingesetzt wurde, die man bekommen konnte. Meine allererste war eine Wandré Blue Jeans in leuchtendem Kirschrot mit einem Laustärkepoti und einem floating Pickup, wo man nicht genau weiß, wie der aufgebaut ist. Später eine Hohner Rockwood Professional Strat-Kopie und eine Mittenwald Wanderklampfe mit Schalloch Pickup. Heute spiele ich ne alte Musima Eterna deLuxe 25 V und ein paar äßerst billige Budget Hollowbody Gitarren. Mehr braucht´s nicht, solange ich zumindest ein Slapbak einsetze.
You sure fooled me.
golden rule for all Guitar videos in YT: show the Pickups-Switch!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hehehe, good playing 🙂
I was kinda fooled earlier,
Tho I wonder if it be a funny idea if with samhain you'll make a video dressed up as a glam rocker, and do a tutorial 😛