ENYA SONIC GUITAR | A Truly Unique Experience!!
@enyamusicglobal #enyamusic #enyaguitar #electricguitar #enyasonic
The onboard speaker sounds amazing!!! It’s just like having a regular Amp right next to you!
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Shop: https://jucaneryguitar.com/shop/
Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/s/yYWYwq
IK Multimedia: https://www.tone.net/tonex/users/juca.nery
Merch Shop: https://flatfiv.co/collections/juca-nery
Boss Amp and FX Units Patches | Fractal Patches | Helix Patches | Nux Patches | Sonicake Patches | ToneX Patches
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Video Gear:
✅ Canon 250D 4K
✅ Canon M50
✅ Canon Lenses: EF-S 10-18mm
✅ TIMBRECOD Monitor DC-80 7″ HD 4K Toushscreen
✅ Rode Video Mic NTG
✅ Godox Light 100
✅ Mac Studio
Buy My Music:
iTunes: https://goo.gl/GDSVBY
Google Play: https://goo.gl/iFXeCk
Spotify: https://goo.gl/ynL4NN
???? Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jucanery
Please donate: PayPal.Me/jucanery
Guitar Lessons Via Skype
► My Website: https://jucaneryguitar.com
► Like my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/jucaneryguitar
► Follow me on Twitter!: https://twitter.com/JucaNeryCampos
► My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juca_nery_guitar/
My name is Juca Nery and I’m a Portuguese musician, sound designer, songwriter, guitarist and mixing engineer.
For more info on what I use, please PM me.
Kind Regards.
#ENYA #SONIC #GUITAR #Unique #Experience
Originally posted by UCft-UkcZlE3zsOmYnW0bkxw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQX-HilwDhc
I have a thermoplastic Lava ME2, that I always take camping (no wood to be weathered affected). Do you know if they make a version without any wood construction?