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Originally posted by UCked4Esmdl16F1CwHjiBe3w at
John Legend is also on my list….err, a different list but anyway…. His “talent” comes from Evening At The Apollo reruns but somehow just the crap parts. I disagree with everything the woke moron says, everything… it’s really incredible, lol
“Here’s Is?” Two of them?
Why do you hate Roger Waters? He's standing against the murder of innocent children. Do you support the murder of children?
This vid should have carried some kind of health warning – after watching this I had a dream that involved Simply Red. It was – me walking through Nottingham city centre of an evening and wondering what band might be playing at the Motorpoint Arena (horrible venue) – anyway – I got there to find it was Simply Red so I bought a ticket and went in and the arena was about 2/3rds full – so lots of empty seats. The songs were greeted with a certain indifference by the audience and part of the gig involved a guy with a clip board conducting some kind of survey on the police (not the band) with me answering the questions at the front of the stage and when he asked me my name I refused and said just call me a conscientious citizen (am also reading Plato's Republic). Strange thing was I never saw Mick Hucknall in the dream but I do play for Hucknall Walking Football Club in Notts. Everything is connected one way or another.
Calling Roger Waters antisemitic is lazy and stupid.
Roger Waters isn't Antisemitic. Smearing people who speak out against Israel's ethnic-cleansing and genocide of the Palestinians is a misstep for you on what was otherwise a fun episode.
I'm a lifelong Pink Floyd fan, but Rick Beato's interview with David Gilmour was the most boring thing ever. Compare it with the one he did after with Tori Amos, night and day.
Haven't watched the video but Roger waters better be on here
1:05 if you want to make progress in this line of work, maybe get into proper Television.
My daughter is a ginger. One of her children is a ginger. I love ginger cats. I have nothing against gingers. I DON'T like Simply Red and that lead singer. It was so obvious that he was using his hair as an angle and prop. Plus the music sucked. Probably a fake Communist as well.
You aren't harsh enough on Hucknall. Him and Phil Collins were played over and over and over again on the radio when I was a kid. In fact there was apparently a law in the UK that at any given time, Phil Collins had to playing on a station somewhere. It was enforced by the extremely violent 80s cops we had at the time
David G is alright. Roger is a racist old communist
I think Andy grew up watching Alexei Sayle. ????
Gilmour is a great guitarist .Waters is a great musician , lyricist and a great humanitarian.
check the fuse on ded amp.
Dude you are literally speaking thoughts that I've had for years. Well done!
I'd buy Stars. I might really do it, I sort of like it now. Surprisingly, I didn't like it at the time. And I love Brothers in Arms. And I have Zappa and Bitches Brew on regular rotation.
You literally don't like anything do you ????
so your dad was the "Son of a Baker"? (like the Small Faces reference?)
I remember martine mccutchen puking in mick hucknals hair when they were dating. She got drunk and vommed on him and the press got the famous picture of him dripping in it. I don't know about holding back the years she should have been holding back the beers.
Legend absolutely has no soul….. He sings like singers who have soul. Many singers are in this category
mick hucknall is ginger…says it all.
I like you, and I loved discovering your channel. I do have to take a break sometime though.
I bet this is what hanging out on the road with this guy was like. Robert Plant must have had a laugh haha
I'm so glad to hear that you make a living from griping about stuff that annoy!
Wonderful News! Maybe there is hope for me as well…
Funny video. Sorry, your feelings got hurt.
Why fetishize over Gilmour when you have Andy Latimer?
Roger waters for sure. If he went to Gaza his head would be in a bucket ????
I do stick tricks when I’m performing, but there generally not intended and the rest of the band fail about laughing ????????????
I love the pink Floyd music Roger Waters comes across as a not nice person, I know someone who knows Roger personally, and they say he is arrogant, but a nicer person than you would expect
34:52 best stick trick is play drums well, lock in with the bass and be a rhythm section!
I'll talk to you about gingers next week at Fusion!
In a rare defence of Mick Hucknall, he’s still got a solid voice at his age which isn’t true for most artists over the age of 60. He actually gets close to his high notes whereas most have either given up or sound like they are on the loo. Yes he’s not the greatest singer of all time but he can sing.
I would posit that Brandon Toews has taken the torch of 'most important drummer on the planet' from Jared Falk as far as Drumeo goes. The guy has amazing access to some great drum talent. And he is a good drummer and teacher. I think your off on Dave G. Waters is the twat. (And a musical genius)
I had a friend at school in the 1960's called Behrend. He was a nice guy and I think his first name was Stephen but we never called him that because his proper name was "Snotty" Behrend. Hindsight suggests that was a bit cruel but he wasn't a ginger so I don't have that cross to bear. Maybe "Bogey" Behrend would have been a better but it's too late now. Unless he's still known as "Snotty".
in my memory people were slaggin simply red from Holding back my ears! lol!
At least 2 gingers in Average White Band, Sly Stone had a ginger member (sax or drums ?)
Thats infortainment,
Ginger is yellow.
Gilmour is out of tune all over the Wish you were here, album.
I hope there’s a chapter mod added soon
I would put Elvis top for numerous reasons
Kelly Clarkson dueted with John leg end
Roger Waters is spot on about Jews and most geopolitical issues.
Andy have you heard about the Icelandic band, Agent Fresco? I really like them and love the drumming. You might hate them, and the drumming I like so much. You have the opportunity to hate an Iclandic band, you haven't done that yet, have you. I even make it easier for you by directing you to one of their poppier songs, and live performance, they must have made some unforgivable misstakes I don't hear. Here is a song, I really like, for you to expand your hate.
Axl rose ; another annoying ginger