Monday, March 10, 2025
BassBass Guitar

Squier Classic Vibe 70’s Jazz Bass – Seventies Style over Substance – LowEndLobster Review

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Squier Classic Vibe 70’s Jazz Bass V Review (from 3 years ago):
Sire V5 Revisit:
Sire V5 Review:
Sire V5R Review:
Sire V5 Fretless Review:

Hey Everyone! Today we’re reviewing the four string model of the Squier Classic Vibe 70’s Jazz Bass. We reviewed the 5 string model about 3 years ago, and though it had some positive traits I felt it was a bit average when it came to construction and build quality. However the Budget Jazz Bass landscape has shifted significantly over the last few years. Does this Squier have what it takes to stay relevant in 2023? Let’s find out!

This bass and all my other basses with rounds are strung with SIT Foundation Nickel Plated Stainless Steel 45-105(125) unless otherwise noted. Check them out at

Info on my signal chain, setup and more:

Reverb Shop:

#Squier #Classic #Vibe #70s #Jazz #Bass #Seventies #Style #Substance #LowEndLobster #Review

Originally posted by UClpTFnWcfIg4pcgFZ8dRTyg at

29 thoughts on “Squier Classic Vibe 70’s Jazz Bass – Seventies Style over Substance – LowEndLobster Review

  • It's absurd and adolescent, I know, but I CAN'T buy a Sire because of its horrible headstock. Sorry Marcus. Thanks Leo.

  • The stupid glove and takes him ages to get to the actual playing. Too much faff. Annoying and amateurish.

  • If you notice all the squire reviews Lobster did on the squires it was all bad reviews. Hmmmmm squire basses are in his/her/they shiet list?

  • Just pick one up at a pawn shop for 225.00. It had Hipshot replacement tuners on it….Haha! I ordered new CTS pots and an orange drop cap. Neck is great and I'm gonna play it a while before I decide whether or not to replace the bridge. Super clean bass, can't wait to replace the pots, wiring and cap.

  • Wow when you took the relief out of the neck you got a lot of fret buzz haaZ ???? I have a squier classic vibe 70's jazz bass natural finish and a squier classic vibe 70's precision bass guitar and I like them I got a K.S.M music bridge from K.S.M music in Logan Utah put on my 70's precision bass and a quarter pounder pickup in it ????

  • I bought this bass 3 weeks ago it's a killer. I must have lucked up I have no neck problems. The tone is amazing. The pickups have raised magnets which give it a really aggressive sound. My bass is made in China not Indonesia. I'm playing through an Acoustic B100 combo. The bass is heavier than my player jazz bass though. Maybe Squier saw your review and made some adjustments. I didn't get the Sire V5 it's not in the stores in NYC. I'm not willing to buy an instrument I can't play first. Your reviews are very helpful…..Thanks

  • So supposing I have a good Fender jazz neck that fits the CV body, would that improve it? (Overlooking pickups for now)

  • Interesting, I guess it’s the reliability of quality that’s in question, not that they are all good or bad. I bought a 2nd hand 2019 Squire identical to the one in the video. I love it so much I recorded a tune called ‘Hey I got a new bass!’
    Quality is fine, not noticeably different to my US standard strat, just needed a bit of simple setup ????

    Hey I got a new bass

  • Hey lobster,,,i have the early natural one with maple body & duncan pup's & it plays and sounds great,,had it set up with boomer strings & STILL SOUNDS GREAT,,,thank you for all the great videos ????????

  • I'm confused between the 2 Classic Vibe '70s Jazz Bass reviews. So the 4-string version is underwhelming but the 5-string version is pretty good? Aren't the specs exactly the same except for the added string?

  • I don't know about the "Classic Vibe" but I've had the Vintage Modified (2007) for well over a decade and have played it against several Player models during that time that, while for sure were nice, either equaled or simply lacked the tonal diversity and wallop that this relatively inexpensive model offers. I needed to be convinced that some of the other Fender models were/weren't superior in terms of tone and playability. Maybe I got lucky with mine or maybe I'm just used to it. Still, the sustain and tone gets me pumped every time I play it. I was so impressed that I contacted Seymour Duncan to complement them on their pup design and they reported that they sent their design to the top Korean pup manufacturer who produced the "Duncan Design" version and that those pups were then sent to various bass guitar OEMs for installation. To me, the DD pups sound like a marriage of the Quarter Pounder and Apollo. If you can grab one of these for +/- $300 – 350, I think it's a steal. If mine ever went up in smoke, I'd pay even more to replace it. Totally subjective, but there's just that certain something about the wood, neck, frets, balance, tone, and playability that suits me.

  • I played this today and I was blown away. I picked up a Mexican Jazz Bass as well as an Aerodyne and a Sire and it wasn't as good. I just kept thinking that I could change the electronics on the Squire and be super happy.

  • The way I see these basses is: they need a setup and a heavy adjustment, but once you do that and maybe fix a fret or two, the edge of the neck is great for about $350 used. And, I like the "fender designed" pickups more than passive sire pickups
    Edit: the sires seem to have the better neck tho if, which may be worth swapping the pickup on

  • Many professional players and gearheads rate this bass as a perfect 70's . I'm confused crustaceans. We all want to know why. It is a matter of taste, hate, love or blind love?

  • If you buy one check for soldering problems, take your time because my had a ground or maybe cap problem that took out the high end which determines if you can accentuate a "rimshot" plug while using normal finger technique(no slap) "bumm CAP dooodooo doo BAP" if it doesnt have that its the same problem, once you unlock it its Un Believable.


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