Monday, March 10, 2025
BassBass Effects

Ultimate Guitar Noise Gate Showdown

Thanks to @zZoundsMusic for lending me most of these noise gates to test! ????

Get the gear here:
ISP Decimator II G-String ––3980937/item–ISPDECIMATORGII
Boss NS-2 ––3980937/item–BOSNS2
Boss NS-1X ––3980937/item–BOSNS1X
TC Electronic Sentry –
Arcade Audio KO ––3980937/item–AADKO
Electro-Harmonix Silencer ––3980937/item–EHXSILENCER
MXR Smart Gate ––3980937/item–MXRM135
Fortin Zuul Mini –

00:00 – The Criteria
01:29 – Introducing!
02:21 – Size and Connections
04:25 – Controls
05:30 – Noise
07:18 – Cutoff Response
08:03 – Attack
10:06 – Decay
12:14 – Tone
13:32 – Samples
17:19 – Best Settings
17:47 – Conclusions

#Ultimate #Guitar #Noise #Gate #Showdown

Originally posted by UCNnBSld2dpqeV3f2bErXIaw at

49 thoughts on “Ultimate Guitar Noise Gate Showdown

  • hiss ( frequency noise gating) and true by pass is a jam. So for me I will choose the Sentry .

    I am convinced $$$.

    Yet shouldn't it be a better implementation if TC were adding an additional turning knob for frequency that is engaged when the hiss switch is turned on.

  • The mxr noise clamp has a switch under the hood that allows you to run it in 4cm. After flipping this switch it completely helped my noise issues through the fx chain,preamp and fx loop. It might not have a fast response like the decimator but it was really cheap at a pawn shop and did what it was purchased for….thank you for the video.

  • Planning on getting a Boss NS-1X this weekend. Thanks for the very informative video.

  • Excellent video, really showed us what was needed & more! I have a Decimator which is great for what I do, but the on/off switch broke so I had to but a Silencer quickly 2nd hand, a lot more fiddly but still did the job, just cut the feel a bit short, but I think with a bit more tweaking, will be fine… but I miss my Decimator to be honest, waiting for them to get back from NAMM to send me a new on/off switch!

  • I'm surprised about the Zuul too. The trigger light is super useful on stage though so it's staying on my board

  • Difference in the 18-20 kHz matters? After teenage you already start loosing that range of hearing to begin with.

  • I HAVE A friedman jj jr. its high gain and i have a old house with dirty electricity. i dont run any pedals right now except for a wah and tuner. now on the gain channel she hisses really hard even without a guitar connected.
    fortunately i the amp has an effects loop.
    which should i go with , tc sentry or the isp gstring?????????????????????????????????????????

  • Thanks for the amazing shout-out, very objective, evaluating relevant parameters and results in an appropriate way, with valuable graphics. Definitely one of the best reviews !

  • Dude, do you have a patreon or something so I can throw some change in your tip jar? This is how you do a damn review right here!

  • High gain on bass? I am getting annoying noise when I play notes that have a loud harmonic (like on the 5th fret). My left hand muting isn't enough to stop it. I am working on my right hand muting, but when I play fast runs, I can't mute it. What pedal would you recommend?

  • Noise Decimator has been my go to since I started playing guitar in 2012. Took 13 years before a part actually broke, the power input jack popped in.

  • But one question: why you didn't try the toneprint mode on the Sentry ?
    And maybe check how it goes designing the parameters to your needs and prefernces ?

  • Hey, um I don't even go here. I play country chickin pickin. I just wanted to say, I've never seen a gear review do things this scientifically. A purely technical approach to a pedal shoot out is so refreshing. Not a flowery adjective in sight. The graphs. The table on the left to keep us all on task. That's how you do shit.

  • One of those things when you go out and buy the ISP decimator because you hear good things… Then you check reviews after the fact in wonder if that buyer's remorse that kicked in is accurate ???? G string II faired well enough to tame the noise for me!

  • Arcade audio noise gate actually is a very popular one. Well, not particularly arcade audio's one.
    The thing is that exactly the same gates are sold under many brand's names such as donner, mooer, rowin etc.

  • Great video, thanks for the info. I love the Pigtronix Gate Keeper Micro. Small footprint and very effective

  • My son, you really put in some god work on this video! But ahhh, that #TONE… you know you could have provided a far better tone that that – moreover given that we have to listen to so many examples.

  • Ive never heard or seen anyone putting their gate in the fx loop, they always put it in front of the preamp

  • What an amazing video thanks so much man. I ended up buying a Boss NS2 today, tried it out in the store and it works perfectly for what I need (4 cable method)

  • ISP is from the original godfather of noise reduction. The founder and designer of ISP was the inventor and founder the famous Rocktron Hush systems of the 80's and early 90's. ISP is good stuff.

  • Thank you for doing the work here. I didn't get much from the silencer, so, I left gates out of my sound. The clean trigger concept never occurred to me. I'll be dusting the ehx off to see if it was judged prematurely.????


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