Doom Amp In A Box? GUP Tech T-Bag Through A Poweramp And Cab
GUP Tech’s T-Bag is their take on the Sunn Model T preamp circuit. It’s not often I find myself recording cabs live, but this was a great opportunity to do so.
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0:00 Intro/Overview
0:39 Rig
1:41 Runthrough
7:14 Dialled Tones
8:59 Stacked with RAT
12:07 Lower Tuning
13:58 Conclusion
15:05 Outro
#Doom #Amp #Box #GUP #Tech #TBag #Poweramp #Cab
Originally posted by UCuuimLa24M3wFGsYpKHdFzQ at
This drop E sound is probably the one i'm looking for because of Loathe
I love guptech! Gulliame and emile are super nice!their builds are super rugged!someday i wanna collect all their pedals! Lol
Great massive sounds! I like this pedal, especially with low tuned guitars and baritone. I like to add other pedals, like distortion, overdrive, fuzz, phaser, octaver, delay, and reverb, to get crazy sound results. The 30" baritone sounds good, but you're using thin string gauges for a low e tuning. What strings are you using for this baritone? The string tension of my 30" baritone was to flabby with an 24 / 84 string set. Now I'm using 24 / 90…
I like the low to low-mid gain sounds of this pedal. The higher gain settings were underwhelming. Seems like a great pedal for 90's grunge and alt rockbof that era.
I’m thinking I have to pick one of these up. Please do more Guptech reviews. I have a couple of them and I really think they’re great and affordable
If you (or someone watching this video) like this kind of tone, I strognly recommend the EAE Model Fet, the absolute best recreation of a Model T in a pedal. GUP Tech are great guys, but anything that John Snyder at EAE designs is the best of the best.