GREAT BEGINNER GUITAR!!!! Unboxing Review Schecter C-1 Platinum
GREAT BEGINNER GUITAR!!!! Unboxing Review Schecter C-1 Platinum
Post-Unboxing is more like it haha, but this is my buddy Kevin’s first guitar and I wanted to do a short video on it for you guys. It’s a Schecter C-1 Platinum, and it is super nice. Feels, plays, and sounds great especially for the price. I could’ve went into much more detail on the frets and some other things that I look for, but I kept this one a bit shorter. Just had to show this one to you guys, it’s really cool! As far as what’s new and on the way, I just ordered a brand new mirrorless camera do that will be unboxed and reviewed when I get it. As of a few hours ago, I ended up finding a super clean BC Rich Jr V Deluxe and went for it. The price was right, and I want it back!!! So an Unboxing/review of that will be up as well when that arrives. More music and covers to come also. I appreciate your guys’ patience, it’s been a bit more challenging ever since I got called back to my job after being laid off for over a year. Although my hours and schedule is more challenging as of right now, it is giving me ample opportunity to dump it into better audio/video equipment to improve on everything that I’ve been doing since the end of last year. Your guys’ continued support by watching, liking, subscribing, and sharing of the videos is what has really pushed me to get to this point in the amount of time that it has taken so far, I can’t thank you all enough for the motivation. I gotta keep grinding and pushing to reach my ultimate goal of doing what I love more than anything as my job. I’m gonna get there! Thanks again for watching, you all rule!!!
#GREAT #BEGINNER #GUITAR #Unboxing #Review #Schecter #Platinum
Originally posted by UC9lDoD4sIOXodPOK_ICrFsg at
funny how these schecter s can play and sound better than a guitar three times their price
This patient is playing like he is jerking down there…too much testosterone injected ????
Beginner guitar? What the hell makes you say that? The price? That doesnt make it a beginner guitar, look at the specs!
1000€ for a beginner guitar? lmfaooo
6:39 I was surprised when I heard him playing disciple by slayer
are you self taught
18:1 Ratio
Kick ass!! I’m gettin one!! Thx!
I thought this was Ivan from FFDP
grabbed a used one of these in great condition off marketplace for 400
I came here to see the guitar, but now I'm thinking I need some work out tips.
Turn that amp up brother!
Haha “drug free”
9:00 yeah if only it was $300 … and not $600
Lol calling this a beginniner guitar is like calling a BMW an "Entry level race car"
Looking for a guitar to keep in drop b would this be good?
got mine at guitar center brand new today. $749 +tax
my first real, serious guitar was this C1 platinum. really amazing quality for the price. the wood, the hardware, the electronics. so solid. don't truly think there's anything under 500 bucks that's a better shredder guitar than this
Beginner guitar, $300 bucks. Where did you get your information????
Just scored this today at a pawn shop for 400 with a schecter hardcase. Could not have found a better deal ????
6:45 WHEY PROTEIN too much.
I got mine brand new for 529 and put some Hipshot tuners on it. From headstock to end pin it's got: Hipshot lockers, Graphtec nut, actual rosewood board, EMG pups and electronics, an actual carved top with knob recesses, and a Tonepros bridge. Schecter's neck joint cut aways are to die for as well! All PERFECTLY assembled in Korea! I've got a PRS and a Fender that cost a lot more, and they are amazing, but they sit in their cases while my two Schecters are almost always on the stand! Did I mention Schecters are pretty good?????
I got the guitar research with the substance kinda cool nice feel to the guitar for sure cost about a grand
"drug free" lol, lmao even.
Just picked up one of these as my detuned guitar. I’ve got my LTD for the main, and this Schecter for drop whatever tuning. Seems like a legit axe for the price.
Schecter is awesome both for live playing and studio recording!!! Best bang for buck – although personally i avoid the sustaniac pickup versions, rather have a classic emg setup ????
I have the same guitar with a boss katana amp, how do you make yours sound so heavy
I love my PT Hybrid.
One papercut ????????????