Tuesday, March 11, 2025

42 thoughts on “Tips For Fingerstyle Bass Technique

  • Happend with me today. I tried something new and instantly cramped up my Frettting Hand like i was afraid to mess up. So important to relax while playing. With recording it´s even worse. I have to calm myself down while playing because i get nervous. I got myself an active Ibanez Cici because i heard you playing your Warwick. I always played passive but my God this Thing sounds so clear. Kinda inspired by you thx ????.

  • Thanks! I've noticed my index finger flies outwards and away from the string when I'm plucking whereas my middle finger stays relatively close to the string, do you have any tips on how to fix this?

  • Talk about timing! Yesterday I was like "What if I just kept my thumb on the E rather than floating around?" Immediately noticed a boost in smoothness in playing. Then I click this video today and like DUH! You're the best.

  • I don't know what I'm supposed to do with my hand when tabs say "palm mute" and I'm playing fingerstyle. I come from guitar if that helps.

  • Great thing to talk about right hand stress if right handed finger bass player, same applies to left handed finger bass players, many years ago after a show I went to emergency room, right tendons were so stressed from playing harder instead of letting the amp do the job, I felt that the action I wanted to provide needed the added effort from my 5 fingers, I do use all five fingers on both hands, Mostly I used 4 fingers 99% of the time, throwing the thumb in where needed. After the hospital visit, I began letting the amp do more work and it did help a lot. This all was back in the 70's, I'm retired now. I think it's great that people are discussing these things today so muscle issues are at bay, just think 50 years ahead, do you want that pain? So CiCi, Great Job!!!!

  • This was great! It seems as though, I'm holding good form for learning bass. I'm most comfortable with the same posture as you. The only difference, is that I'm pretty much always standing up, and I actually (currently) play, with my fingers hitting the strings between the neck and the neck pickup.

    Being that I'm learning on a 6 string, muting unused strings is quite tricky. I'm doing decently with it, but I'm also curious enough, that I'm going to explore into as many different techniques as I can, to see what works best for me. I'd love some insight on the way that you keep unused strings from making excessive noise (especially when running through distortion)

  • I’ve been needing this. Coming from being a guitarist for a long time who rarely used fingerstyle, it’s hard to ditch the pick.

  • any instrument is about economy of motion. very good tips cici. it is important to remember that everyone’s biomechanics are different, what works for others may not work for you. once you have decent finger strength, focus on the smallest possible movements you can make while still sounding how you want. and USE YOUR WHOLE ARM!! for any note you play, it should start at the shoulder. then the elbow, then the forearm, then the wrist, and THEN the fingers. play with the same posture every time you practice. most importantly, stay loose and stay groovy baby. once you figure out the most efficient movements for you, you just gotta keep doing them, slow and fast, until they become instinct. repeat. this is how you become a virtuoso

  • I play guitar but am pretty lost when it comes to good bass technique. Tips are really useful. Love your playing and the latest single is great. Keep up the good work and thanks. ????

  • I already feel more comfortable playing after the straight wrist tip. Thank you!!!

  • Great advice, i used to play bass and drums at school, I'm naturally good at rhythm, and had a bass for a couple year's but sadly had to sell it because at that time my kids was young and we needed money for Xmas. But I'm going to get another bass, i loved playing it, with and without pick. Question, i noticed with Lemmy he played alot of chord shapes, do you do this or play the natural one string picking? Ps you are such an amazing bassist, i honestly feel you could run with the popular bassists like Steve Harris, flea R.H.C.P and even Les Claypool, you just have that magic they have. My next purchase will be a bass because i really enjoy the sound and i love playing rhythm. I'm just not sure what bass to get as I'm on benefits due to mental health and other issues. I had pneumonia last summer and unfortunately I'm still suffering pain in my right lung which is being investigated by lots of scans, blood tests etc. Getting old sucks sometimes, especially with health. Any way rambling abit. But thankyou for the tutorial, very helpful. Take care CiCi ✌️????

  • practcing c'mon girl now….thats a great one for practice…i get up to half speed, i think :)i play with my wrist in an angle (70 degrees ,or so? ) see if i can play a with a little less angle , and realax….tnx again ,Cici,good one again !

  • The key to right hand fluidity for me was to get into floating thumb. Anchoring on the pickup and bottom string worked decently as long as I was playing 4-strings, but once I move to 5-strings it no longer worked for me at all. Whatever works and keeps your arm relaxed is the way to go.

  • Thank you, Cici! Sincerely, as a guitarist that wants to get better at playing bass, this was invaluable information. The way you show and explain things just clicks. If you ever do a full course, I'll definitely be one of the first to sign up. Much respect. Thank you again, Cici!

  • Great video – it’s nice to see how you have adapted your technique to be economical and work with how you want your sound. I’m beginning to play the bass, mainly punk stuff but I have short arms and fingers. I’m trying diffeeent techniques to see what is comfortable for me but allows me to get the sound I want. I’m playing near the neck with the bass lowish and quite angled up at the head, this gives me a good sound, I prefer the pluck near the neck and it allows a good picking speed but it also allows me to fret a little easier too with it angled up.

  • Lots of interesting stuff in there, definitely some good suggestions for more aggressive tones especially.

    Interested in muting technique, its not something I noticed you touching on unless I missed. Saw some clips where it looked like you might be using your ring/pinky to mute lower strings while playing up high, its hard to tell though when the focus is on demonstrating other elements of playing.

    I used to play with my thumb firmly rooted on the pickup and 1st string until I got ripped to shreds in the studio for bad muting technique. It's taken me a hell of a lot of time to undo bad practices and prevent unwanted string noise when playing D and G strings. It felt like starting from scratch for a good month until I started to make progress.

    For any people coming into bass fresh, its better to get that technique locked in early albeit using your thumb or ring and pinky fingers. Nothing kills a take quicker than sympathetic resonance, even if it's passable live or playing at home.

    Great content as always and fantastic bass choice ????I love my P4 exotic and J4.

  • Thanks for this wonderful video Cici, some very useful insights and tips there. I really like the way you put information across and I’d quite happily pay you for one to one tuition if that were at all possible.

  • Not enough people doing "how to" videos touch on the importance of wrist positioning in finger technique… A straighter wrist not only has impact in your playing it will also help prevent injury. Thanks Cici!


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