Eric Gales’ Pedalboard
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The Grammy-nominated, blues rocker walks Bohlinger through his modest pedalboard and unlocks a few key creative secrets.
Eric Gales is back again. Since last chatting with John Bohlinger in 2017, the blues maestro’s rig has transitioned to include more signature Raw Dawg gear pieces—including pedals, amps, and, of course, his signature Magneto guitars. Just last year, the lefty slinger released the Grammy-nominated, Crown, which features collabs with his pal Joe Bonamassa. Gales was touring in support of that record when he rolled through Nashville.
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#guitar #rigrundown #ericgales #pedalboard
#Eric #Gales #Pedalboard
Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at
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Eric is the man, a real G who actually plays and tours with his signature pedal
I'm sorry I just don't get it.this guy is not that good.left handed big deal.sorry.ONE WORD FOR YOU PHILLIP SAYCE.
Dude is so good of a player
Nice‼️???? thanks for sharing your board ????. That’s some kind of outta sight Strat you have.
What is this pedal at 3'15''?
What brand ?
Guys….WHY don’t you have them PLAY THE PEDALS!!!! I mean….it would be really cool TO HEAR WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE.
this guy has da hendrix fingers
I gotta admit, no matter what…. Eric's sound is unmistakeable. Love it.
i saw him on the first show of his tour this year and he blew the roof of the place. I don't know if I've ever seen someone play with that much passion and meaning. this man is special and the world is lucky to have him.
I saw Eric a few years back and he completely blew me away. Notice that he plays a right handed guitar upside down. Most left handed players have a left handed instrument, or like Hendrix, reverse the strings. The only other guitarist I am aware of that used the same setup as Eric is Albert King. Obviously the unique stylings of these guys are derived from their talent but I wonder how much the unorthodox setup helps provide new options and ideas. But whatever it is Eric has got it goin on. Go see him if you get the chance you won't be disappointed.
The Vader thing … that is dope!
That Darth Vader thing… Mmmmmm
Johns great, but he always makes me think of the old thunderbirds show from the 60s(?). Whenever i see him i hear in my head " thunderbirds are go!" LoL
Those Lollar Blackface 64's are no fn joke!
One of the most underrated musician. Seems like a great and humble person too.
Every time I see Eric Gales it's impossible not to think about cocaine.
I need a diamond crusted Wah! Love EG! He’s developed such an interesting style and such power.
Funny he didn’t mention the BLM communist fist on his signature pedal…..
very nice
Gales is the man! How tall is john? ????
Oh nice it’s the clown that “laid it on the wood “
and called Hendrix just another simple copycat . This guy played with too many drugs in his past to lose all sense like that . Rip James Marshall Hendrix
Top !!!
His Brothers used to make him play left handed because Jimi Hendrix played left handed. If he was caught playing righthanded, they would beat him up and demanded he play lefthanded.
Eric Gales has his own sound. Such a great player.