Rickenbacker 4003 | All You Need to Know! | Review & Tone Demo
In this video I show you all you need to know about the Rickenbacker 4003 with a review & tone demo.
Rickenbacker 4003:
Langley Guitar Centre:
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#Rickenbacker #Review #Tone #Demo
Originally posted by UCKlchGxzkwPM-nG9Awh47tQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pu1Nb3_Bzms
I know people go crazy over the mids and highs but I absolutely love the lows with a bit of mid sprinkled in there. enough to have bass and the perfect amount of punch
An essential. Now to start saving.
This was great, thanks. I've had a '74 4001 since '83.
Getting good headphones was worth it just to hear this demo in full quality. Good god I love them so much
1:00 wrong. Paul and Chris never played this 4003. ????????♂️
I love love love the Ric tone – just never been able to afford one. Great to hear it through a Barefaced cab as well, so a pretty accurate tone (Got an SC-T on order 😀 ). Great bass, although a matter of taste. But not everyone can have great taste.
I have a 4003, same color as this one. That rear pickup has all the bass. The one on top is really weak compared to the bridge pickup. Younger repair techs don't even know about the mute! One kid told me the screws were there to hold the bridge down! I think the .ute is how McCartney got that chunky sound in some Beatles songs.
As others have said great review! No one who loves/plays bass can honestly watch this video review and say they don't want a Rickenbacker! This is the exact Rick I would get. I am 53 and just began learning the banjo and bass 9 months ago (first music since I was a 6th-grader playing alto sax!). I am loving both and so into the fun of learning bass! I have a Squire 60's Vibe P and a Schecter Riot 4. I love both! As I tend to do with guns (I love shooting) I enjoy things that are a bit unique. I love the sound of the Rick! I am looking to buy a higher end bass and looking at this Rick, a USA Sadowski, USA Lakland, and a Suhr. As I research I just keep coming back to the Rick. Thanks for the demo and info my friend! Everyone's comments are helpful too so thank you all.
THE Rickenbacker review.
I hate that every Rick bass video always has to mention the same 3 bass players that used them. Makes me think that people’s music awareness is very small. EVERYONE has used a Rick bass!!
Excelent! Thanks for sharing!
I really enjoyed the video and found it very useful. Also you seem really friendly and captivating through the video. Thanks for the review!
That is in fact not how the Rick-o-sound works. You need a stereo (trs) cable.
Thank you! Very consistent and thorough demonstration. I enjoyed it a lot and you always put the bass characteristics at front before any ego or technique . Nicely done, mate!
Waving it about!
Great demo! Thanks!
Just a point of fact the inlays are not real mother of pearl but synthetic, I much preferred the crushed pearl ones, a small point which led me to by a 4003SW.
My favorite bass tone at a live show so far was a Rickenbacker 4003, neck pickup, tone down, maybe with the mute, through a vintage reissue Ampeg SVTVR head and what looked like a modern 8×10 cab, maybe an SVT-810E. I think it was mic’d straight through the subwoofers in front of the stage. The subwoofers looked older, and I feel they had their own unique character as well. That makes the tone near impossible to replicate, but I loved it so much!!!
I think is very versatile
Lovely sounding bass and I understand they fixed that bridge intonation issue in the latest models. I still think they're way overvalued tho. I saw a tour of the factory and almost everything is CMCd now, … not that I have a problem with CMC machines but the basses are surely cheaper to make with this process.
Great demo! and nice playing, that Rickenbacker sounds huge
If RIC"s can generate such a wide variety of tones (thanks for that useful video), in addition to those few sounds that are unique to RICS such as are demonstrated here, why then does everybody (RIC players and detractors alike), seldom bother to make reference to what a great all round bass the RIC is? The RIC was designed to take on 'both' the P and the J.
Bass players fixate on the 'unique' RIC sounds (which, while being cool, do not represent the sum of its service) as if they were the only sounds it is able to make? Both the P and J basses are great a being, respectively, P and J basses, BUT…neither is capable of duplicating the variety of sounds a RIC generates without recourse to onboard or offboard support.
While the RIC can be easily dialed in to sound like 'both' the P and J bass, neither of them can return the favor. Still, no one criticizes either of them for not even being able to sound like each other (something they falsely criticize the RIC for) , let alone a RIC! I got rid of my P and J basses having found I can do everything with a new RIC, which plays easier and looks cooler.
I thought I was not in the market for a new bass, but this sounds incredible. Thanks for the great demo!
Great review and I'm now becoming a subsciber.
Finances don’t allow so I’ve opted for a Chinese backer, but after this I’m more convinced that this is the one to have, thanks for this.
I'll stick with my 59 p bass thank you very much. Never liked Rics.
Never played one but I like how they sound and love how they look.
Great demonstration! Very well done!