Kenny Wayne Shepherd Blues Guitar Masterclass
An extraordinary lesson in blues guitar soloing strategies from one of the most talented guitarists working today – lesson fully tabbed in issue 424 of Guitarist magazine, available to order here:
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#Kenny #Wayne #Shepherd #Blues #Guitar #Masterclass
Originally posted by UCcniHc5ivrNMY2HUocYmzAg at
The best and certainly my favorite Blues player alive today.
History book of playing styles,thanks man.
one of the most underrated guitar players out there
Y'all know why they call him Wayne????
Because he don't miss!!!!!! ????????????????????????
Step 1: learn SRV licks
Just listened to him playing with Joe Bonamassa. You can hear a lot of Albert King in his playing even now.
Strats sound great but they're noisy as shit
A master. Always cool!
I don’t know why blues is supposed to be sad music. 1 4 5, minor blues chords are not really sad. Sad music is Shawn lanes version of ‘once upon time in the west’ pierce the ears with melody screaming tone. Mahogany rush on ‘the world anthem’ in E maj7 walks the scale easily up the fret board. (Like sleeping) for beginners. Blast off space epic sapphire haze. In Hendrix’s orbital ways. Uli jon Roth ‘Hiroshima’. Above all Brian Carrol’s endless atmospheric peace serenity. Over half century ago Peter tork’ (the monkeys) last conversation with Jimi Hendrix (Jimi said he wanted to ‘Create pictures of earth n space’ with his music.. Nobody does this better TODAY than buckethead.
Sexy color
I think my blues phase only lasted for about 15 years and that KWS was only a small paragraph in said phase but here I am, several decades later checking him out and enjoying what he offers.
Been trying to play like for 50 yrs. and ain't no where near it yet. After watching this video I just felt like going out and commiting suicide… then got to thinking, I might hurt myself.. just a little too risky.
Why do these morons talk Soo dam much? Noone cares Kenny, just show the techniques.
Masterclass is right ????
I think Kenny seems sober enough, but his fingers seem to be on meth or somethin.
The guy solved blues
It's great to watch these. I've been playing for many decades, And I can definitely get stuck in the same style over time… So kind of like drop back at punt ordeal… Refresh… Listen. Change a few things… Excellent Kenny.. Thanks
He definitely has mastered the art. He's an awesome player and down to earth guy.
qué linda str
Does anyone know the colour of this strat ?
Pretty good that's how I played in the beginning
Reminds me a bit of Duane Allman…..lookwise…..
So easy and well known stuff mate
Thank you very much for this video. It is way beyond where I am now, but it will provide a lot of inspiration.
How can a guy who never did anything original put on a masterclass? All he does is copy everyone….I can line up guys for miles that can do that. Sorry not sorry.
cool cat
One of my very first influences was KWS SRV and Jimi then later Albert king
I absolutely love this guitarist. Kenny Wayne Shepherd is incredible to see in person and was so gracious to his band allowing them solos to show their stuff. Also, loved his tribute guitar style playing of Stevie Ray Vaughan and keeping SRV alive today. He played the Paramount Theater in Denver but it’d be awesome if he would do Red Rocks Amphitheater. That’s a venue absolutely deserving of this guitarist ????
Never been a big shepherd fan, this just reinforces that decision.
He is absolutely amazing live!
One bad lad
What is it about the name King, that makes great guitarists…? B.B King….Albert King…..Freddie King 🙂 Coincidence?
The problem is that unless you are a guitar player it can be hard to understand him. He plays lick that a million guys know. It what I played when I was 16. H has no identitiy or imagination. Pedestrian and generic. A non enttity. The thing that draws you to players is their originality. Thats what makes you want to sit down and learn their stuff. Nowadays the Johnny langs, Joe Boanaasshole, John Mayers have convinced some people they are good but real guitarists know its a snowjob.
Straight strat fire ! Kid learned ALL the right licks from the masters! Wow…