My Favorite Way Huge Pedals!
Today’s episode is gonna be HUGE (wink wink). I’m gonna share my Top 7 Way Huge pedals. Jeorge Tripps is the brilliant mad scientist behind these awesome guitar pedals and each one stands on it’s own. What are your favorite Way Huge pedals? And if you’ve never tried any of them which ones are you interested in trying. Let me know down in the comments!
Check out the gear in this and past episodes here:
Josh’s Amp:–jhs-loud-is-more-good-by-milkman-40-watt-1×12-tube-combo
Josh’s Tshirt:
0:42 Way Huge Overrated Special Overdrive
1:27 Way Huge Green Rhino Overdrive
1:56 Way Huge Aqua-Puss Analog Delay
2:49 Way Huge Blue Hippo Analog Chorus
4:55 Way Huge Effect Pedal (Oh wait…you weren’t supposed to see that)
5:38 Way Huge 25th Anniversary Red Llama Overdrive
7:46 Way Huge Havalina Germanium Fuzz
9:29 Way Huge Ring Worm Ring Modulator
11:28 Way Huge Purple Platypuss Octidrive
Record Time:
Wilco (The Album)
Josh’s record player is by U-Turn Audio:
#jhs #thejhsshow #wayhugepedals
#Favorite #Huge #Pedals
Originally posted by UCjfbkA4jJkJY5g0wbjuoZWA at
Swollen Pickle is one of the best Big Muffs ever made. An absolute beast.
i want this guys weed
I have a Ringworm, I got it when I saw how Nels Cline used the EHX Ring Thing in his rig. At the time, I was obsessed with making guitars sound as unlike guitars as I could, on a budget. I played in a math rock band for four years and used the Ringworm on bass, doing the frequency-sweep oscillation thing, and my bandmates HATED it. Funnily enough, I’ve never incorporated it into my guitar rig. Maybe this is my year!
If you don't Love Ween
U need to!!!
Eric Clapton killed Jimi and Stevie because he’s a hack????????
Im definitely like normal money red llama.
Awesome shirt!!!
Swollen pickle is my go to fuzz!
"… and I can tell you really need something to do, because you look bored."
sigh Josh, I really need you to stop calling me out.
Josh is on fire in this one lol
i watched your which overdrive is right for me video and decided i needed a Blues breaker type overdrive, but a bit later on the same day i heard some demo's of the Way huge Green rhino and knew that was the one i wanted rightaway. Really looking forward to play with it ????
I love JHS for many reasons but his love and passion is #1! This terrific human loves his job!
Wow the Purple Platypus is great sounding yet I barely hear the high octave. Probably why it sounds so good.
Always get good tones with a Saucy Box…????????
have pork loin and supa-puss.
Nunca me espere escuchar a Josh decir guanacos en mi vida (6:56)
I have a way huge angry troll and couldn't be more happy with it! it's amazing for rythm when boosting an already hot amplifier, sounds great with single coils!!
I have a Smalls Pork and Pickle
Im good
Whach u got
I wish I had a Bumble cramplifier
you made me buy blue hippo????
Eyebrows are overrated…
Way Huge pedals are the best. Jeorge Tripps is the innovator
I have a mkii red Llama and blue hippo unopened. Also have them on my board, opened one's of course
Maybe you forgot the most versatile fuzz ever…. The Swallen Prickle
Really bad ass pedals. My favorite is the Atreides.. It just does weird ass shit. It’s doom in a box.
Another great episode, thank you.
Can’t wait to try the conspiracy theory. It will be my first way huge pedal.
Love the channel and all of you guys ❤️
I have the 2 in 1 big box Green Rhino! Absolutely Love It! Plan on getting another since its been discontinued! ????-????-????—????????????
I wouldn’t mind a Overrated Special! ????????????????
2:40 Yellow Ledbetter vibes right here.
Recently acquired a Purple Platypus for a steal on Reverb! Awesome pedal, inspires a very particular playing style. I find it works best into an already dirty amp, makes for some really unique lead/heavy rhythm tones!
Recently acquired a Purple Platypus for a steal on Reverb! Awesome pedal, inspires a very particular playing style. I find it works best into an already dirty amp, makes for some really unique lead/heavy rhythm tones!