Thursday, March 13, 2025

How To Get The Best From Tube Screamer & Overdrive Pedals.

In this video I demonstrates how to get the best guitar tone using overdrive pedals like the Tube Screamer and Fulltone OCD explaining the impact of amp breakup and the magic of stacking pedals for a dynamic and inspiring sound. Often, the key to amazing tone lies in using your pedals the way they were designed to work, and it isn’t difficult. The same rules apply to real amps and pedals and virtual ones like those in the Fractal, Helix, Quad Cortex modellers etc. I used a Victoria 20112 Tweed Deluxe for this video, a staple of countless recordings.

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Gear used in this video:

PRS Custom 22 Soapbar
Victoria 20112 Amplifier

???? about Nick Granville:

Guitarist, Session Musician, Educator and Composer Nick Granville has worked with artists as diverse as Dave Weckl, Bob Mintzer, Dave Mathews, Chris De Burgh, Ronan Keating, Delta Goodrem, Steve Smith, Mike Stern, Joey Defrancesco, Eric Marienthal, Kurt Elling and with the band on New Zealand’s “Dancing with the Stars”. Nick leads his own groups that play regularly including at the major jazz festivals in NZ and he is a founding member of the Wellington Jazz Orchestra. He has released five CD’s as a band leader and has played on many records, film scores, TV programs and radio. He has taught and taken workshops at the New Zealand School of Music, Goodtime Music Academy, Musicworks stores, Christchurch Jazz school (CPIT), Otago University, Auckland University and at jazz festivals all around NZ. Nick has performed around the world and recorded in the best recording studios (including Capitol recording studio A in Los Angeles). He hold a masters degree with first class honours in jazz performance from the University of Auckland.

Nick Granville proudly uses and endorses Fractal Audio FM3 & FM9.



My channel videos on YouTube are free and always will be.

#Tubescreamer #guitartone #overdrivepedal #ampbreakup #stackingpedals #ts9 #ocd #fulltone #distortion #pedals #gear #howto #stackingpedals #sessionguitarist #nickgranville #prs #paulreedsmith #custom22 #rockguitar

#Tube #Screamer #Overdrive #Pedals

Originally posted by UCNvXtemQuQCJjP4dYF8HEOw at

8 thoughts on “How To Get The Best From Tube Screamer & Overdrive Pedals.

  • Thanks good lesson as always. You're a good communicator, you should have way more subs. YouTube is unfathomable.

  • I also have a 20112 and tried both Archers (klon) gold & silver. I found both robbed the amp of the 5e3 magic. I'm thinking it might be a buffer issue. Going to try the J Rockett El Hombre next to test my theory.

  • Amp on the edge of breakup is the thing for sure and then kicking it. And adding variety with stacking too, fully agree. The tubescreamer and alike circuits do technically speaking not have a clean blend (other circuit topolgies like the Klon or Gladio SC preamp have for example), however it certainly does the 'cleaner' boost overdrive compared to the OCD. And I also agree that TS style into very clean amp is anemic mostly. So I'm just pointing out the circuit topolgy here.

  • Thanks, Nick. I didn't know about that clean mix thing.
    Unless I missed it, I don't think you said anything about gain on the amp, so I assume you meant turning up the master? This difference between increasing gang to hit the front of the power amp and just turning up the master is something I have never really managed to get my head around. I wonder if you might be able to do a lesson about the relationship between these two controls sometime?

  • Great video. A cool approach I haven’t heard of before. Looking forward to trying it. Thanks!

  • Great video Nick, really good insight that is sorely seen for beginner players. I certainly made this mistake twice.
    If I recall, "The Dude" pedal is Dumble inspired, I found with my Ultra Phonix that it sounds really poor with any sort of overdriven amp, you need a clean sound.
    The tubescreamer is my… push guitar to the front of the mix boost, I don't usually use it as an overdrive pedal per se.

    Some pedals sound lovely solo, some pedals sound phenomenal only when in the context of a mix, such as the Boss DS-1 etc.. anything with those harsher frequencies.

  • I really like the EHX Crayon, they are usually pretty cheap too. Having that extra EQ to play with is nice.


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