Friday, March 14, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

Vintage Soul in a Modern Body // GS Music E7
Drawing inspiration from the classics the GS Music E7 takes a ‘best of’ approach to bring us a modern VCO with a totally vintage vibe. It doesn’t replicate any synth in particular, (it’s got 7 voices for a start!) but you’ll be familiar with all the functions and can recreate pretty much any classic tone. Talking of tones, it’s got a wonderful sound quality that pulls you in and charms your socks off.

But it doesn’t stop in the 80s.. we have MPE mode, it’s 4-part multitimbral, with MIDI CC control, 600 preset slots, USB and full sized MIDI IN OUT & THRU

It also vas CV control for more sonic explorations – something I’ve not delved into yet.

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0:00 Modern VCO with a Vintage Heart
5:51 Lil’ Demo with a 909
6:53 Voicing Options
13:28 It’s 4-Part Multitimbral
19:40 The Oscillators
24:18 Sync
25:39 24dB Resonant Filter
30:23 It’s MPE Compatible
31:09 MPE Demo
32:16 The Envelopes have Lots of options
36:20 The LFOs have Loads of modes
39:56 Chorus and Ensemble
42:21 Digital Delay
45:23 Amp Mod
45:26 Pros and Cons

#Vintage #Soul #Modern #Body #Music

Originally posted by UCvqGJkKHb-VHgxJmuBbIfIQ at

41 thoughts on “Vintage Soul in a Modern Body // GS Music E7

  • Just ordered one of these beauties!
    As someone who remembers the early 70's, this thing 'sounds like synths used to' to me.
    Been looking for 'the one' for some time now and i think this might just be it. ????
    Great video too… cheers!

  • Excuse me, I have noticed that sometimes on my E7 parameters could change themselves, after I had used a corresponding button a few seconds before. This has even happened to me if I had already changed presets. Had this happened to anyone?

    A also have noticed some digital like sound artifacts when using the LFOs in the Amp section and a slight electric noise that occurs when you change the levels of the OSC, parts and the master volume.

    I just wanted to know if all E7s have the same “issues”. Sorry for the inconvenience, I already wrote to GS Music technical support 8-10 days ago. But there was no response. Thank you!

  • Wow, excellent demo. I think it was smart of GS Music to keep sponsoring demos on YouTube. It should be more widely recognized as a valid choice for mid-priced analog polysynths.

  • NIce machine and nice demo. I have a question. Since the only inter-oscillator modulation is sync it seems rather limited to more exotic timbres. Now knowing that the LFO's can track the keyboard, just how fast can the LFOs go? Can they be used as extra audio oscillators? Depending on how high the frequency rates are, that would allow for trackable FM of the filter and open up a lot of other options for design. Thanks

  • Ha, first thought is a new Behringer… then I though, nah, is too nicely made, and also not a clone, lol!

  • Does anyone know a synth repairer in the UK? Have a Beringher Monopoly that’s gone quackers. Customer support is a nightmare. Kind Regards

  • Sounds and looks great. The display is comically small, but perhaps that is the point – keep attention on the old-school panel controls.

  • Thanks for doing this! I have watched a few videos on this already. I was hoping this video would convince me that I didn't want it but alas…your run down of features and coverage of the different ways it can sound has only confirmed that this might be the synth for me to pair with an OB-6. It's got a lovely filter, very moog-like. The synth has plenty of grunt too. The only thing that bothers me is the usual bass cut when the resonance is cranked.

  • Great sounding synth, and top notch review! I think you did well when evaluating the chorus, sometimes it's better to drop back to a single OSC to evaluate that, because 2 oscillators in stereo + chorus is sometimes difficult to get sounding right. Part of the point of having chorus at all was to fatten a single signal source, which is why it worked so well on the Junos. Some synths like the OB-X8 have such naturally perfect cooperation between oscillators that chorus FX only take something away from it, unless the chorus can add value to the stereo effect. I think the Dimension D does that well.

  • Thanks for the review, had mine two months and I love it. I'd been researching for a while and narrowed it down to the Murmux(dream poly but ultimately out of my price range) and p6 but after watching a few vids from Matt Johnson and Miles away I bit the bullet and was not disappointed. The sound this synth makes is warm rich unmistakable analog it really shines in retro soundscapes but can equally sound modern and current but takes a bit more to conjure up.All in all so glad I went with the e7 over the p6 the build quality is excellent the led screen is purfect for information and position haven't stopped grinning since I bought it.

  • Great video! I would like to ask you, if you have noticed that when synchronizing the two Sub oscillators, there is a kind of cancellation in some voices and not others? (They have to be in the same octave) Thanks.

  • 5:54 kudos for programming that 909 pattern! When I first heard Bjork's Hunter;, I thought for sure it was DAW driving some 909 clone with parameter automation, etc.

  • I dunno dude, for over 2K I'd rather get a decent 100+ voice multi-timbral FM or FM capable synth with a less rough, more intuitive UI… Wait a sec… I already got one.

  • I have two of these beauties. Stacking and layering them creates incredible combos. Amazing on their own as well. If I had to nitpick, the lack of Poly-AT and the chorus quality is a bit disappointing. It would also be good to have MIDI overflow for poly-chaining, but not many people are going to have more than one.

  • I don't know if this has been done before but the LED's fading out to represent the envelopes releasing is the coolest thing I've ever seen. Would be cool if the attack did it too.

  • Had one for months and… really enjoy having it. It sounds lovely. I wouldn't recommend it as your only synth because it's just too limited, but it's a fantastic 2nd synth (or 3rd, etc.). The built-in effect are barely serviceable. It lacks an arpeggiator and sequencer. And it sorely lacks some more options for mapping the 3 LFOs. However, within what it can do, it's amazing. Also lacks a desktop editor, though it has a decent librarian to backup patches.

    FYI Starsky, the Mono voices isn't selecting how MANY voices in mono mode, but WHICH voice of the 7 you want to use. Mono is always just one voice, except unison, which is all 7. This is another small "miss" by the makers, as it seems it would've been easy to select the number of voices in mono mode.

  • It should be noted it is a ladder filter in terms of the filter type. Basically a Moog style filter. So the filter is more Moog than say Sequential/Oberheim. It's killer though. I have one. It sits right by my classics. Guido really nailed it out of the gate with his first polysynth.

  • Great tech explainer video Starsky. Thank you.
    Next up … a solo sonic walk through? Or a sonic shootout with a Roland?

  • Are these companies out of their minds? This is old technology. The cats out of the bag. People know what you can make this stuff for. Anyone with 101 electronic experience knows it as well. Too many companies are proving the prices are just stupid. Covid crushed the economy. Then inflation. The boutique market is a year or 2 away when people have money again. I remember when companies were putting out Circuits and Digitizes for affordable prices. All of us bought everything as it came out. Then slowly but surely the nonsense pricing from the modular world and other small companies have gotten absurd. I'm sorry. The majority of people can't afford this. They can't afford the new Teenage Engineering. Who are these companies making these for? Walmart is successful on volume. Amazon is successful on volume. At this rate, Behghringer, no matter how you feel will be the biggest and strongest synth company in a few years. You can't except loyalty from folks if you don't make products they can afford. The synth world has got to rethink what they are doing. The reason "synth tube" is so toxic is because the majority of synths people do videos on most people can't afford. I love this channel. I hope synth companies figure out a way to democratize buying synths again. This $1000 and up world is a dead end. IMHOl. Don't argue with me. I don't care what you say. FYI. Good vid bro..

  • Sadly nothing new really. Sounds good but nothing you would add to a setup if you already had a poly synth.

  • OMG – that sound at 15:44 ???? Who needs a Jupiter , when you can HAVE have this little Beast ! And … if its good enough for Matt "Jamiroquai"Johnson …. its good enough for me ! ????????

  • Nice timing.????
    had my eye on it for a while, beautiful rich vintage sounds, 4 part multi timbrality and MPE compatibility at a fair price packed in a very comfortable size for the real estate on your desk – vintage soul modern body is quite accurate title. Also heard the manufacturer says that tuning stays accurate for quite a while, which is very comfortable regarding analogue synths, don't remember the reason and haven't researched into it much, have you had it for enough time to find out if its true?
    if nothing special comes as a surprise at namm, there is a really good chance that i am going to get one.
    Great video and performance.
    It helped me with some new input.


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