Friday, March 14, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Electro Harmonix Pedals You Have Never Heard Of

In this week’s episode, we’re going to look at the absolutely, positively, most underrated Electro Harmonix pedals ever made. I’m a huge fan of this company — they have continually pushed innovation and circuitry since they first launched in the sixties — so I’m pretty jazzed.

0:00 Intro
0:28 Underrated EHX Pedals
1:23 Hot Tubes & Pitch Fork
3:52 “My Metallic Breathing Helper”
4:39 Graphic Fuzz & Memory Toy
6:59 “Soul Sucking Fuzz Ball”
8:16 Tube Zipper
9:20 “Super Spicy Red Veggie”
10:13 Attack Decay
11:53 “Crying Backwards”
13:05 Slap-Back Echo & Double Muff
15:34 “Slapsquatch”
16:25 Record Time
17:39 Thanks For Watching!

Gear In This Episode:
Electro-Harmonix Hot Tubes Nano Overdrive
Way Huge Red Llama Overdrive
Electro-Harmonix Pitch Fork
DigiTech Whammy
Electro-Harmonix Graphic Fuzz
Electro-Harmonix Memory Toy Delay
Electro-Harmonix Tube Zipper Envelope Filter / Distortion Pedal
Electro-Harmonix Attack Decay Reverse Tape Simulator
Electro-Harmonix Slap-Back Echo
Electro-Harmonix Double Muff Nano Fuzz
JHS “Loud Is More Good Amp”–jhs-loud-is-more-good-by-milkman-40-watt-1×12-tube-combo

Record Time:
Tom Petty – Wildflowers & All The Rest

Josh’s record player is by U-Turn Audio:

The jams from this episode are on BandLab! Head over to the link below to jam with us, download the stems, and create your own samples from our sounds… or all of those things.

#jhs #thejhsshow #electroharmonix

#Electro #Harmonix #Pedals #Heard

Originally posted by UCjfbkA4jJkJY5g0wbjuoZWA at

45 thoughts on “Electro Harmonix Pedals You Have Never Heard Of

  • Most of the good pedals, good ideas, good sounds, easy the remote, setting up.. plays…like to knows….more stuff to share with….next year 's … collection all the best

  • Back in the early 80s, I had the Micro Synth and Deluxe Electric Mistress, and I thought I was Andy Summers without the chord knowledge.

  • Pitch Fork is probably the most versatile pitch shifter pedal I've ever had, and in a standard size box!

  • I love EHX, after looking through you guys' inventory of pedals there's clearly and EHX influence and I love it. I own a few pedals, the pocket Metal Muff being my favorite. When I first started playing guitar I had a cheap amp that didn't go high gain but when I plugged in a Metal Muff I instantly had a brutal sounding amp, since then I tend to buy EHX when Im in the market for pedals. They do everything right, from the sound, features, design, and build quality, their pedals are amazing. There are a handful of EHX pedals I'm still dying to get at the moment.

  • Have big muff and hog2 w/ channel box and expression… love the hog and all its ability. Just a cool fun time jamming with it. Big fan of ehx stuff

  • i saw an Attack Decay video about a month ago, and I find myself googling about it probably 5 times a week. i need to bite the bullet and snag a used one as soon as possible

  • I always wish I could afford these type of things and then I remember that I own an MS-20 and can patch a lot of them using the ESP module on there.

    The original mono version of the attack decay pedal can be emulated pretty easily on there. I think you can do it with the Behringer ARP 2600 clone as well

  • Wildflowers is my favorite Tom Petty album. It’s also one of my go-to recordings for testing audio equipment/speakers. Impeccable.

  • The attack decay sucked anout a hundred of hours out of my life bedore I sold it. Tooooooo maaaaany setttings. I loved it so much I hated it. Had to sell it. Timesuck. If you hate sinple pedals, buy it.

  • Ohhh, I feel so bad that I cannot get on with the Attack Decay. It keeps ending up in a drawer. I'm failing it somehow. I just feel that once I've done it's thing on a song I can't really use it again without repeating myself. OK I've done the What's The Frequency Kenneth solo; now what?

  • Attack delay and that toy thing(especially that) sound like something I could use.

    I hear hendrix sounds.

  • The book you show at 2:00 is NOT the Craig Anderton book “Electronic Projects For Musicians” that you referred to in the video, but “Guitar Electronics For Musicians” by Donald Brosnac!

  • I'm assuming he has an og Double Muff by now, but if not, it feels somewhat cool to have a pedal that Josh does not. And yes, I do have the box. ????

  • I feel like the EH micro synth is the mother of all EH effects and it does what many of their other pedals do

  • I wasn't going to subscribe. Then I watched more videos. Then you got me w/ the funny editing cut-a-ways. Now I'm subscribed forever. So this is how I live now I hope you're happy.

  • What is it with ehx? They are one of the leading companies in the business; do they need this kind of publicity? They surely don’t seem to be interested in congratulating any of their competitors. Nor feature anything else but their own stuff.

  • Doctor Q is a great pedal. It has such a rough envelope filter sound. The DOD, MU tron and other all sound nice and smooth. Doctor Q is the Rodney Dangerfield of filters.
    Double Muff is great. It's actually not a Muff fuzz but whatever the one before that was, times 2. It's super easy to mod too. And no filter, just 2 gain stages and a single/dual switch.
    Loved that Zipper thing gonna check that out.

  • The Record Time background track always reminds me of “Song Of The Wind” by Santana. I’d love for you to show the pedals you used on that lead guitar sound.


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