how to remove unwanted NOISE #shorts
I teach guitar and bass! You can reach me on instagram (gavinbrooks100) #shorts #guitar #guitarlesson
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#remove #unwanted #NOISE #shorts
Originally posted by UCMD3JNdvNf12sxz1o3goAtg at
It's called a partial
Aka "wolf"
Thank you so much, I've been wondering why there is so much extra noise on my guitar!
Ah man thought he had some real insight on this lol I have a 7 string that even muting the strings I get some of that noise. I put a little foam under the springs that helped plenty but not 100%
Holy hell years late but I needed to see this as a primarily acoustic player I struggle with this heavily with my electric playing especially when trying to play learn metal.
Im new to guitar, i needed to know how to fix this problem of mine. Thanks so much
So when you use higher strings you must palm mute the other strings the whole time ????️????????️
A guitar tutorial with a hooters shirt is top tier
Wow. For the first time I actually felt like someone was directly teaching me
Jerry Cantrell says hello
I already been muting with my palm but wen I play the metropolis unison solo there that one part when I reach the 12 fret I kept hearing the g string rings out ????
Always on the freaking 10th
Well I cant get the noise
Dude your playing is so clean and pure that you failed to play the dirty example.????
I love your videos, you also had a massive impact on me with the way you pinch harmonic.
You beautiful genius I love you
That super dry and thin plugin tone is the true crime here ????
Thanks. Do you know how to remove white noise? When playing with distortion, whenever I stroke a string, it has this unwanted trebley white noise along with it that is very loud with distortion.
you have got a talent to teach
Greets and thanks from Germany ✨????????
Yes muting!!! Changes everything! Still working ❤
Nah I play acoustic guitar so I don’t have to worry about that
I spent my first 2 years of playing guitar making this mistake. Watching people rake into bends helped me figure it out.
The note C# makes my tremolo spring ring out. It could be a C# anywhere on the fretboard and it would have the effect
Concord? Didn't realize you were down the road haha. I'm in lkn area
Make a song only using those notes..throw some
Effects on it.????????
That's why I can't learn guitar. Too much cross over noise. Too many ways to play the same note. So frustrating ????????????
Wait, so is this normal?
Its called a resonant harmonic. Typically an odd order harmonic, meaning the frequency is an odd multiple of the fundamental note freqency. Ie: 700 hz, 2.1 khz, 3.5 khz, 4.9 khz.
Funny, I guess I’ve done this unconsciously for 30+ years.
i’m trying doing creep tremolo part, but i can’t do it fast and without get noise from other strings
Thanks but is there a configuration that helps apart from muting like gates or gain or sth?
How to get that tune
Oh my god thank you so much 😀 I’ve been playing for 5 months now, so I need this.
Hey what’s up just started taking my playing seriously and just wanted to say these tips are awesome keep them coming thank you !
you from concord?
I want it
Is there an exercise for this? I suppose spider walks
thought i was boutta get nights by frank ocean’d
I’ve said it before, but damn dude. I’ve never seen anyone provide such valuable information for free, let alone do it in small practical bits of info. Super effective and immeasurably valuable. My friend is changing musicians lives out here. ????
Or use a capo
And this is what Slash and Hammett will never master
dude you just solved a problem ive had for such a long time now
What about reducing pick attack noise when plucking a string? Especially when playing metal
Thanks bro!