5 Jazz Guitar Exercises That Would Have Saved Me Years
If you want my help getting started with Jazz, then check out The Jazz Guitar Roadmap: http://bit.ly/JazzGtRm
Learning jazz guitar can be overwhelming, with many things to practice, and focusing on the wrong ones may waste years of progress. I experienced this firsthand. However, there are 5 simple exercises that could have saved me time—improving my solos, chords, and overall sound. Let me help you avoid my mistakes.
3 Basic Jazz Chord Exercises That Will Change Your Playing in 2024
Autumn Leaves – Beautiful Chord Melody For Jazz Beginners ????
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00:00 Learning Jazz Is Overwhelming!
00:38 The Ultimate Scale Exercise
02:42 How To Actually Learn Jazz Licks
04:43 Jazz Harmony With 3-Note Chords
06:50 Solos Without Direction
09:08 The Fastest Way to Learn Jazz
10:40 Want Some Great Beginner Solos?
10:51 Like the video? Check out my Patreon page!
My name is Jens Larsen, a Danish Jazz Guitarist and Educator. The videos on this channel will help you explore and enjoy Jazz. Some of them teach you how to play jazz guitar, but other videos focus on Music Theory, like Jazz Chords, or offer advice on practicing and learning Jazz on guitar or any other instrument.
The videos are mostly jazz guitar lessons, music theory, song analysis, and videos on jazz guitars.
Edited by Luciano Poli – Business Inquiries: polivideoedit@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jenslarsenYTlessons
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My Book: Modern Jazz Guitar Concepts: https://geni.us/Y69J4
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#Jazz #Guitar #Exercises #Saved #Years
Originally posted by UCqepSCHTyWj4BzHxEEUNvlg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cklGs0q2A1c
What exercises mad a huge difference for you learning?
The 5 Solos That Will Teach You Jazz Guitar:
Love this lesson. It's super helpful! I have one question. In the first half of the lesson you refer to "diatonic triads with enclosure." You're not doing enclosures for every note. Can you give any advice on when to use the enclosure? I do it randomly and look for what sounds good. But I suspect that I am missing something and that there is a more effective way to approach the use of enclosures with a diatonic triad.
Great lesson. I needed this. Thank you!????????
I've been working on "Take the 'A' Train" for some months now and I see all kinds of different version with C6, D7#11 and D9 chords, confused about which is best or all equivalent. I've been learning all kinds of licks over a 2-5-1 progression in C major, still playing them robotically one after the other. It might take years to be able to deconstruct these licks to use all the blocks at will and connect them during an improvised solo.
Thanks Jens…????
Practice arpegios up and scale down diatonic across the scale and explore many variations, with pivot arpegios etc, diferent rhythms etc, you will find exercices that are perfectly good licks
Well… Mio Carissimo Amico
Jens! Grazie Tante per la tua
Insignia di Amistad!!! Io sono, molto siguro de la tua pronta
Salud!!! Look Boy! Music is a friendly way to joint People ????
From many countries! So, thank you, for let me, suggest
Some experiencies, for be better, Guitar Player!!! I Will send you, the names of great melodías, that I recommend
To use for practicing many chords into a nice Soft different rythms!!! Listen the melodies meanwhile you play
Chords ???? is one of the most better ways to learn practicing
With the real Music groups!!!
My Best wishes to your health
And… Let's keep Playing!!!
Hello to All Guitar subscribers!
Thanks for sharing.
Just noticed the neck pickup is backwards
Thank you for video. It’s very helpful to remind all the thoughts mentioned ????
Thank you Jens for another useful lesson. I have this friend who 'tried' to teach me theory. When I mentioned that I was learning about Circle of Fifths, appreggios, Diatonic chords, the fretboard etc online, he replied, 'they're all wrong!' Right then I knew I'd NEVER ask him for musical advice again.
Great lesson as usual……!!!
Glad to see you've overcome your bout with the flu……!!!
I need to practice Barry Harris pivot’s.
Amazing 10 minutes! Truly thankful, Jens 🙂
Great material, thank you for the efforts, Jens!
Excellent advice, Jens.
I met Randy Vincent for a lesson and he taught me the spread triad idea you mentioned. It helped out tremendously with lead sheets. But when I joined a college jazz ensemble many chords using the same idea were not neighbor chords but required me to jump up and down the fretboard. I need help figuring out this problem. Suggestions?
I totally agree. Practicing scales as vocabulary to be used later. I'm surprised. Do others do it differently?
This video is pure GOLD! Thanks!
Jens, thank you. Such a great lesson– so clearly presented. You're such a great teacher!!
Diatonic arpeggios and thirds are one of the best things I ever learnt on my short guitar journey so far. Just the concept of stacking thirds made some many things click in my head
I've been trying to learn Aruanda (Carlos Lyra sung by Astrud Gilberto) completely by ear, the comp is piano instead of guitar, but the sax solos are really nice so I am trying to figure them out.
thank you jens larsen
This is one of those “foundation” lessons. You can work on this for 5 years and still learn more, I’ll be working on this one a lot! Thanks Jens!
Should you practice the 1st arpeggio exercise all over the fretboard. And if so, how would one proceed doing that?
Your teaching and (video) editing chops are fantastic. Thanks, Jens!
Meat and potatoes. Great video, Jens! Thank you. You've got a great presence and personality for teaching.