Saturday, March 15, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Guitar Chat with Chris & Matt… Why The Volute Is So Controversial & The Best & Worst Classes

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Original score: Electric Boogie Dawgs & Jim Jamm Jimmy
Artwork: Joy Kaminski & Paul Shellooe

#Guitar #Chat #Chris #Matt.. #Volute #Controversial #Worst #Classes

Originally posted by UCrik4MK7fHh2gRNgyZOmKIg at

4 thoughts on “Guitar Chat with Chris & Matt… Why The Volute Is So Controversial & The Best & Worst Classes

  • Why not revive the 1969 Fender Swinger shape! Also, just to give volute pot a swirl, I believe the whole volute saga was kicked off by a Gibson marketing bod in the early 70’s mistakenly describing the bulge behind the nut, which historically was where a joint called the bird's beak, or bridle joint was. Martin also called it a ‘diamond.’ ????????????

  • You know………..I carve a volute on all my necks for 2 reasons only. 1. Because they look cool. and 2. TTG do them. ….. And that should be enough ???????????????????????? Sarah xx

  • headstock angle and look how much material they remove for the truss rod adjust access? 35% integrity lost gee wonder what happens if I drop it on the headstock, why do you suppose Leo went with a plugged headstock heel adjust at first then in 59 didn't even touch that headstock area with a drill? yes Leo tested his instruments for durability .. if Cheapson was smart and they're not they would go with a side heel adjust, still pulling some 1950's BS is moronic at best . . .


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