One GUITAR that plays EVERY INSTRUMENT!! [Jamstik Studio Midi Guitar Demo & Review]
????Jamstik Studio Midi Guitar????
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The Jamstik Studio Midi Guitar is one of the most anticipated pieces of music production gear to release this year. This Midi Guitar boasts super low latency, seamless compatibility with your favorite 3rd party software instruments and all of capability of a fully functional electric guitar. In this video we take the Jamstik Studio Midi Guitar for a spin and I share some thoughts and findings with you. Thank you to Jamstik for sponsoring this video.
0:00 Performance Demo
1:03 What is Jamstik?
2:27 Design & Build
3:41 Guitar Features
4:10 Guitar Demo
4:51 Connections & Recording
5:20 Jamstik Creator Plugin
6:06 Jamstik Midi Demo
7:01 Discount & Closing Thoughts
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#GUITAR #plays #INSTRUMENT #Jamstik #Studio #Midi #Guitar #Demo #Review
Originally posted by UC-K5WGZ3cq7oyQDBn_3gOCA at
Just picked one one these up last week. The tracking is better than I expected. As an electric guitar it’s damn good. I’d recommend this over adding a fishman midi pickup to your guitar. I have both and this is a better option.
Finde instrument,to do.
Ok, have they fixed the tuning? Auto tune, or a tuning peg like normal?
Yay i need a driver hope its licenced
it would be nice to hear about live application possibilities or if this is really an instrument for the studio?
you can tell how much fun you’re having when you jam with this awesome guitar! ???? 6:47 ????
i can’t wait to get one!!
I think the first and most important feature has to be how well it plays as a standard guitar. Because all the extra features mean sweet FA if you never want to pick it up and play it. There have been so many neat little keytars or Variax or whatever type midi or synth type guitars that came and went (Looking at you Gibson robot guitar and Firebird X) That in the end if it doesn't work as a guitar then it is just a gimmick that will crash and burn in a year or 2 or just wont sell.
Thx for the tutorial, so far I didn't go for research to know ,if its possible to buy only the standalone software without the guitar midi as I do have other midi guitar from different manufacturer (gammy g midi guitar).
Everyone has a midi version except bass
Nice video! How do it works on live gigs?
Why wouldn't you want to bend strings ? That actually enhances the emulated instruments actually
Mine shipped today! This video helped me decide. Thanks dude! Keep up the good work. ????
The sounds sound very bad, it's not realistic at all. If you buy a normal guitar and put a GK 3 on it, you can get much better live sounds, thanks to the Roland Gr 55 and the best midi guitar on the market is Godin, there is nothing like it right now.
The sounds sound very bad, it's not realistic at all. If you buy a normal guitar and put a GK 3 on it, you can get much better live sounds, thanks to the Roland Gr 55 and the best midi guitar on the market is Godin, there is nothing like it right now.
Godin have been doing this for years, absolutely years. I worked in a music shop when I was younger they had them back then.
Beli dimana
Do they do they make a headed version? And instead of plugging it into an amp, can you plug it into headphones?
Thanks for the review! I wonder how I can change the midi settings while playing 3rd party synths in my DAW. I can´t open the creator software at the same time with my DAW. So how I´m supposed to change the midi settings? Or do they get stored in the Jamstik guitar itself?
so you need to use a computer for this? or can I use a fine
Dumb question but how does it work just going usb into a daw like logic or ableton to control plugins and instruments in there? Do you need to use the jam stick software or is that just one way?
hey it's pretty much misinformation to describe a 25.5" scale length guitar as 3/4 size as you did in this video. 3/4 size has a specific meaning in the guitar world.
im gonna get one of these as its genius and even if i hit a wrong note i dont have to record again just move the note. also having control over the velocity in the notes is the big selling point too as sometimes on guitar a not might be louder than others and ruin the recording.
Great review! Do you know if the pickups can be swapped or is there some sort of proprietary weirdness going on inside? Thanks.
sponsored by jamstik
Godin Makes some real nice MIDI guitars too. But a bit on the expensive side. But to their favor their guitars are not toy looking – pretty solidly built. Anybody has experience with the Jammy MIDI guitar? What is the main difference with the Jam Stick? I am trying to find really a toy like guitar but that is a killer MIDI controller. So fake strings are fine, in fact preferred and I don't need it to be able to play amplified. I need it to output MIDI data precisely on fretboard actions as accurately as possible. I don't understand why this technology has to be difficult that nobody can make one.
Besides piano, does it have harpsicord?
Not throwing and hate towards this video but honestly
I don’t care about this guitar, Because if this company doesn’t support left-handed guitar players then what’s the point in me investing into this company and buying their products it sucks so much that I have to take the guitar and flip it upside down just to play the guitar as a lefty and now I’m sitting there looking and feeling stupid because the guitar is upside down when they built the body and frame of the guitar For right handed people. That is why I am glad and respect the few companies that actually create guitars for Left handed people