Saturday, March 15, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

SYNERGY SYN-20IR: Slo 100/ Slo II Module Comparison

How does the legendary Soldano SLO-100 stack up against the Synergy SLO-II module? In this video, I compare their tones side by side, showcasing the high-gain settings. Hear the differences and decide which one fits your rig best! Let me know your thoughts in the comments. ????
#soldano #synergyamps #electricguitar

#SYNERGY #SYN20IR #Slo #Slo #Module #Comparison

Originally posted by UCRhwoCeb-U9UapqNbZf0lnA at

20 thoughts on “SYNERGY SYN-20IR: Slo 100/ Slo II Module Comparison

  • Hey Joe ,, This is Russell from Ampwear.. only difference I hear on youtube is the Synergy might be just a little less bright. Very near one another. SYnergy has always made banging stuff

  • That sounds really close !
    I mean consider the price difference.
    The Synergy Stuff is a really awesome platform

  • Close enough, maybe the synergy seemed compressed and the SLO 100 open in character. Synergy is an awesome platform

  • The Friedman Module & Amp were much closer. Here I survived the blindtest. Though I think an EQ pushing some lower mids into the modul sound would do the trick.
    But I will probably keep my SLO30 Head 😉

  • I can't tell the difference.

    I am looking forward to someone gigging with this unit. I am skeptical that 20W is enough in a band situation.

  • Your videos are really well-done and informative.
    However, the influence the Suhr Reactive Load has should not be ignored.
    In comparison to other loadboxes it thins out the lower mids and adds some sizzle on top.
    I´ve noticed that the Synergy modules are usually a little bit thin in the lower mids compared to the original amps.
    So, I actually think the SLO 100 and the module wouldn´t sound that similiar if you´d used the Suhr Reactive Load for both of them or ran both through the same cab-mic combination.

  • Sure, they sound close at that volume… but the SLO-100 is going to sound glorious once you open it up and move some air. ????

  • There's something about the module that I really dig! Its more stringy and bouncy-sounding.

  • wOW !!!!!!!!!!!! very very CLOSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the difference in sound is minimal compared to the difference in $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Man, thank you. Your channel is the best place to check out the syn 20 ir.
    The other video you did with different modules really showcase the versatility of the setup.
    And this video goes to show how close it can get. Obviously, a big amp is not the same as a small one, but it works at least to me in giving a close enough tone but with added flexibility, features, lower volume and portability.
    Again, thank you. Suscribed.

  • Synergy slo 2 has more top end and sizzle to the highs. The SLO 100 is much more stout/ thick. I’d like to see how the real slo compares to the Synergy 6505 and SLO 1.

  • I wonder if they would have come closer if you had tried some of the other structures on the SYN20. AFAIK the A structure is more modern and tight, which definitely is one of the major differences in tone between them here, the SYN being more.. tight and compressed. Soldano is more open and vintage sounding. Have you tried other structure settings?


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