Saturday, March 15, 2025
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5 GUITAR TRADE SECRETS: Simple Tips to Fast-Track your Fingerpicking Skills!

???? Unlock your guitar potential with exclusive lessons and tips at — from easy-to-follow basics to advanced techniques, Justin makes learning guitar accessible and exciting for all levels.
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CORT Gold Passion Acoustic-Electric Guitar

00:00 – Introduction
01:07 – TIP #1: The Fist Method
04:50 – TIP #2: Practicing with Dynamics
08:24 – TIP #3: Soaking your Hands
11:33 – TIP #4: Fingerpicking Scale Patterns
13:41 – TIP #5: Tuning to Open Chords for Right-Hand Practice
17:47 – Outro

???? STORE:

#GUITAR #TRADE #SECRETS #Simple #Tips #FastTrack #Fingerpicking #Skills

Originally posted by UCzH2vVrSpjwHNM0U3jJM0lQ at

29 thoughts on “5 GUITAR TRADE SECRETS: Simple Tips to Fast-Track your Fingerpicking Skills!

  • Great video. Thanks. You use your pinky on the high E string. Many others, such as Tommy Emmanuel, use the pinky as an anchor or don't use it at all. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks again.

  • I came to this video thinking, well, here's another same old set of tips I've heard a thousand times. Boy was I wrong! Many of these (perhaps all..) tips were new to me, or new spins on old concepts that really takes them to another level. Thank you Justin!

  • Merci infiniment pour ce partage qui vaut de l'or. Quel plaisir de vous regarder enseigner votre talent. Merci mille fois ❤

  • Leave it to J.J. to actually give a tip I've never heard before. Soaking the hands seems like a great one. Going to try it later…

  • Justin, My pinky don't work due to cutting my hand when i was young, But i still can use others. That tip on warm water, Gonna try that in morning when whole hands don't wanna work. 56yrs old brother, things don't move as good. Thanks.
    Oh yea, I'm waiting on your Pickup, 2 sets of strings for dobro/resonator and, The Biscuit Cd, SIGNED.! And added a lil extra. Appreciate the tip on heavy gauge Electric Strings.
    Left ya a note on your site.
    Thanks brother.

  • I started playing during the covid lockdown,im left hand dominant but partially ambidextrous,I play a right handed guitar,I've been struggling with finger picking for a year or so,just have to keep plodding on,no stress????

  • Thanks Justin. As a player for 50 years, I’ve never ever heard of the warm water trick! I’ve always stretched my hands and fingers, I’ve found that as I’ve gotten older that can be a problem. I can easily overdo it!

    You tips are fantastic!!!
    Thanks for your gifts!!!

  • always wanted to find someone to learn finger picking from/with, in Eugene Or. 68 yesterday realizing how valuable time is lately and feeling younger ever day. Thank you for your sharing what your good at. if everyone in the world played music .blues jam at the bus stop, instructions on the elevator, your boss comes out says look i figured out the Robert Cray song

  • Justin, you have opened up a lot of possibilities. Not only are these well explained and great ideas, there's some other tuning ideas you could consider. Most of us who might get adventurous might tune do D or G, if we're more adventurous might try C but other open tunings are probably a possibility.

  • Justin, I have been working on Babe I'm Gonna Leave You by Led Zeppelin. I am not very consistent on picking the strings. Would you do a video on how to play this song or something similar in case this is considered infringing on copyrights of the actual song?

  • Hello Justin,
    Could you please tell me if I should get Les Paul guitar or acoustic guitar for blues? I saw a used Les Paul guitar near my location. Thanks!

  • All of these were useful. The hot water and tuning open to isolate a hand were new to me.
    Thanks so much Justin.

  • Thanx for the first tip .. That allready fixed it for me .. I can play much faster .. ???? I practice few songs like dust in the wind and some radio head and paul simon ..

  • About tip #5: I totally agree about the effect on the fretting hand, but there's also the fact that applying (unnecessary) force in that hand will affect the picking hand. Why would you even use a chord for those picking hand exercises which are also tone control exercises, instead of always doing them on open strings (i.e. the way the guitar can sound its best), regardless of what tuning you're in?

  • Just one physiological point – you say early in the video that playing 5-finger patterns 'will help you develop musculature and muscle memory in your non-dominant fingers'. The basic problem here is that humans don't have any muscles in their fingers, and the only place that 'muscle memory' resides is in the brain.

  • An interesting practice technique i heard years ago is pick the strings with the same finger your fretting with on the other hand it might not be how you are going to play the songs but it is great in practice to help teach your hands to talk to each other


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