Get The Most Out of Your Strymon Iridium
Richie Nobrega Jr. has been using the Strymon Iridium for studio and live applications. Here are six of his tips to get the most out of your Strymon Iridium.
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Some other cool pedals on Richie’s board:
0:00 – Intro
1:07 – Pedal Order
1:48 – Iridium Reverb Settings
2:48 – The Favorite Switch
3:40 – Bypassing the Cab or Amp Sim
6:42 – MIDI Functionality
8:06 – Run in Stereo
8:58 – Outro
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Originally posted by UC7ut9N4S4xfYa4fkK7sFP6w at
The best demo ive seen of this pedal nice one!
very useful, thankyou
Bought a secondhand Iridium last autumn. Best buy of the year. Especially with the cab bypass; all of a sudden 3 amps in my old school amp setup. Thanks for the insightful tips, best on the webz!
I really love my Iridium. Even sent the UAD Lion back that I bought afterwards. The only thing is I really wish you could save more than one preset somehow.
You still using the iridium?
Sucks that the Iridium midi preset change have momentary signal cutoff.
Just bought one after a 2 min tone dial in for a ampless casino gig….sounded amazing!
How do you SAVE the fav set ups??
Great video! Do you a tutorial on how to add the presets to the Selah Quartz. I'm trying but am kind of stuck. I can send messages from the quartz to the iridium but seems like I'm not doing it correctly.
thank you!
Ive had one of these for a year and its only been out the box three times. So I plugged it into my scarlett 2I2 interface with direct monitoring ON, and the volume is so low compared with every other bit of audio that I was playing on my laptop I found it unusable… what am I doing wrong? Playing along to a spotify track for example, even with everything maxed out I have to put the spotify volume down to like 10% to be able to play along. Is it because I am expecting to hear this thing through the direct monitoring? If I was to play with a band and plug this into a PA is it really loud enough?
dude what are the post-rock songs you're using as the background music?
Nice! Is there a tutorial on how to program the selah pedal to control the iridium? That would be awesome.
What is the typw of Quartz midi player are you using? Thank you from Canada
Is it better to run your iridium straight into your audio interface? Or is it better to go stereo out from the iridium to a pinstripe line isolator and XLR out into the audio interface?
This was the best modern review of this pedal and I'm absolutely sold.
Song ?
I love the fact I can have different cabs left and right for a broader stereo spread. So killer
Best Iridium content on yt, by a mile. Shows you really understood its capabilities. Thanks a lot
Nice and concise !
Awesome work. This was super helpful. Fantastic playing, as well! Thank you!
Sounded like silent hill music for a minute 😉
great review, I agree, this is the best review out there. You explain every function, and every sound, make it simple straightforward and concise. Thank you so much!
Do you just use your studio monitors for listening the the iridium out loud?
good video! one question, if the pedal is off and you hit the "fav" switch, does it activate? Or does the "on" have to be previously activated?
This was a fantastic video!
wow the stereo IR cabs at the end sounds better: which IR / cab was on left an which one on the right?
good idea to have the wet effects after. but what about saturation and chorus? before or after?
Find you somebody who looks at you the same way Richie looks at the Iridium
ur intro is sick man
So, you can use it direct or in front of a real amp because it's pre-amp, correct?
Can i use iridium straight directly to a tube amp?
So need help I set my crunch settings hold down fav button it blinks green then stops, then when I change the settings to chime clean etc.. I step on fav button to engage my crunch settings but nothing happens what am I doing wrong???
Really lovely playing. Fab.
What would D.I box would you recommend for the Strymon Iridium? Do I need one if I go direct at church?