The Best Combo Amps Of 2023! #guitar #guitaramp
Explore 2023’s best guitar combo amps! From vintage-inspired to modern high-tech, there’s an amplifier to suit any style. Check out Dagan’s full review on the PMTVUK YouTube channel ????????
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#Combo #Amps #guitar #guitaramp
Originally posted by UCb5PQHC0CsA48rlI6gefr5A at
I am definitely stealing that outfit
Dagan is the best!
Only reason to buy a Rolland Jazz chorus …
Jazz ……..
And the One intro
Boss Katana 100 2/12.
Excellent amp.
Total workhorse for all occasions. ❤
What are the names for the 2nd and 3rd riff I want learn those ????
What about the Bugera infinity 55 watts of pure valves ???
I guess you don't need a modeler as a headbanger! I prefer clean then add what reverb pedals I need.
Roland jazz chorus best amp ever, and that's not my opinion it's just objective facts. Jazz chorus + pink guitar is the best combination, pink just adds to the tone
Did he just play a 5150 amp without the striped guitar???????? that was in the back of the video
My favourite guitar shredder young Degan always watching his PMTV videos ❤❤
The spark is a life changer
I have a boss katana MK2 50 watt love it I just can't get that good chugging metal tone at all I play with a Ibanez GIO grg131 dx please help
Not a single mesa boogie?
Im a cheap boi. Fender Mustang GTX100
Get a real pink strat….Chuck that ugly 1
Thw Hughes and Kettmer Attax80 is the best!
Love my 5150 combo.
47? Wow you've really narrowed it down LOL
Better to die as a young boy than be seen with a pink PRS or some Johnny come lately combo. V O X RULES.