Monday, March 17, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Boss EQ-200 | Do you even need an EQ pedal? | Tone Tasting

Welcome to Tone Tasting… Today I am tasting the tones from the new Boss EQ200

More info or to buy click here

I am playing a my Fender Custom Shop Tele into a Victory DP40 and a Victory V140D

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#BOSS #EQ200 #tonetasting

#Boss #EQ200 #pedal #Tone #Tasting

Originally posted by UCiHJWmDw3tSgdqy_5OVOkGg at

26 thoughts on “Boss EQ-200 | Do you even need an EQ pedal? | Tone Tasting

  • I swear to god I would subscribe if there wasn't extraneous yapping about nothing.. Vain attempts a humor. JUST GET TO THE DAMN POINT. Accept that you are not entertaining or humorous. WE ARE HERE FOR THE INFO. period.

  • Great vid, Pete! I've got one of these in my cart and am glad to see that you reviewed it before I spend $. I trust your ear and admire your playing. You took the time to slide all the pots and demo every feature. Much appreciated.

  • Hey, do you think it's relevant to put an eq as first pedal in fx loop of an amp? Thinking of that to control 2 overdrive stacked with dirty channel of the amp. Or as last pedal in front of an amp to keep its character? What do you think?

  • Any vid with Pete, is a Treat. Especially when i see purple in the thumbnail. I click, i click.

  • Although Unconventional, I'd like to use it from a DJ prospective to tune the speakers, and I'd prefer this over the regular "rack"
    equalizers. Would it be possible? Does it work with line level signals?

  • I've had this EQ pedal for a couple months now and I have tried to use this pedal playing LIVE and it just doesn't work for me. I am selling it and going back to the GE-7. Why you might ask? Several reasons…. that I've taken the time to list below. Hopefully this will help somebody out there who's looking at buying this pedal….

    1) COMPLICATED ADJUSTMENT SEQUENCE: When adjusting the EQ for the environment I'm playing in, you have to save the new adjustments every time. For example: If you adjust the sliders for M1 (to adjust for the acoustic environment you're in) If you don't SAVE your adjustment before you switch to the next (M2, M3, M4, etc.. memory presets,) your adjustments will be lost and when you return to M1 it will be back to the original setting you had. This is very frustrating if you use more than one memory setting at a time during a performance. I tend to make slight EQ adjustments throughout my night. With this pedal I have to make sure I go in and SAVE any adjustment every time before switching to the next M2, M3, etc….

    2) DOESN'T HAVE A WARM SOUND: My old GE-7 pedals are both analog and the EQ200 is digital. The EQ200 is very quiet with no "hiss" but the sound is more "brash" or "high endy". Most of my adjustments with this pedal are me trying to warm the sound up and take the "Tinny High End out" while maintaining the body of the guitar tone .

    3) COMPLICATED TO OPERATE: If you've used any Boss products (like drum machines, and other equipment) from the 80's-2000's, you know what I'm talking about. You HAVE to have the manual to figure whatever crazy sequence of button pushes and knob twisting codes you have to do to get it to do what you want. Not intuitive or "user friendly" at all. You have to really commit to it and focus to get it to do what you want. The EQ200 is definitely a part of this family of products by Boss.

    4) NEEDS AN EXTRA FOOT SWITCH (button). So many of the programming issues could have been fixed by adding one more foot switch to this pedal. This way you could scroll up and back in the M1,M2,M3, etc… presets. The ON/OFF switch could have been in the top center of the pedal.

    5) TOO BIG: (especially without the 3rd foot switch). It takes up too much room on my already crowded pedalboard. The size would be ok if it had an extra foot switch and an extra display (see below).

    6) DISPLAY: When you are playing live with this pedal and you look down at the display window, it just shows the EQ frequency wave (which is a must), but it doesn't show which Memory preset you're on (M1,M2,M3, etc..) You can only find out which one your on by pressing the Memory foot switch and going to the next preset (and now that you've done that, you have to keep pushing the Memory Foot Switch until you come back around to where you started). I KNOW that you can reprogram to reassign the ON/OFF Foot switch to scroll back, but then the ON/OFF doesn't operate the same. (NOTE: the other way to see which preset your on is to look at the red LED lights that show the first 4 presets, but you have to be right up on the pedal to see it)
    An additional display would solve this issue or adding the Memory Preset into the existing display box with the EQ frequency wave .

    7) ANGLE OF THE FOOT SWITCHES: The shape of the pedal, would be much better for stomping on the Foot Switches if it were just a simple Square shape instead of the tapered front end. If you place it by itself on the floor (not on a pedal board) or if you placed it at the bottom of your pedal board it would work fine, but if you need to place the EQ200 in the middle or top of your pedal board, the foot switches are too low to easily tap with your foot without unintentionally hitting the other pedals around it. I had to add a riser with this pedal to avoid this issue.

    8) PRICE: $289 for a pedal that has this many design issues is not worth it to me. As I mentioned, I usually run (2) GE-7 pedals and I would have ran (2) of these EQ200's but the price stopped me from doing that. Two of these EQ200's would have been $580 plus tax and shipping. That is too much in my opinion.

    IN CONCLUSION: This pedal might have it's place in some situations (like recording) but I do not recommend this pedal if you are a musician who plays in a LIVE stage setting. It's just got too many issues that don't work in that environment. Boss really needs to do a RE-DO on this pedal. I'm sure there's somebody who will disagree with me and they love playing live with this pedal, continuously pressing buttons and tapping the foot switches, but I've played 15 or so live gigs with it and it doesn't work for ME, especially for the price of this pedal. Thats my 2.555¢ Good Luck 🙂

  • Great demo of a great pedal. I wish the sliders moved on their own according to the preset you select. Another thing to break I suppose, but would be super fun and then would allow you to tweak settings away from the presets more easily.

  • Another U-tube channel that doesn't respond to comments and questions. I'm a viewer that doesn't respond to the subscribe button or waste my time watching this video.

  • is it possible to have the Level/Boost set differently for your each M1,M2, M3 memory presets or is it only adjusted manually with the slider?

  • I have the EQ2 from Source Audio, one problem – It has just one button. This one seems great, one problem – it's freaking huge.

  • This is a great pedal to have for making use of those “almost” killer pedals that, well, are not so killer. A case in point is the Maxon Distortion pedal, SD-9 I think. Man it just does not make it on to a pedal board but I know it is a killer pedal. With a studio 31 band after the pedal, that thing was tuned to have a very very delicious and useable sound….a foundational sound. Now with this pedal you can drop 4 fun distortions on your board and have a quick recall memory for each one to sculpt them into heaven….I know that is my plan ????

  • Very good review that focused on the features and interaction without too much talking or trying to impress us with your playing or playing us a track from your “new album”…..we know you are a good player and you have a good personality for this ????

  • I Don’t want to say this is the best eq pedal video made, but its does seems like the best video made????.
    The changes of the tone is distinctive.
    And testing out individual hz like this make it easy to hear the differences.

  • The eq pedals are the base of tone shaping, I have the Boss Eq 7 and the stelar Boss Eq 20 – which I love to death – definitely I also want this Boss Eq 200, nice video ! ????????♥️


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