Ibanez Roadcore 330T Guitar Review | Guitar Interactive Magazine
Ibanez Roadcore 330T Guitar review with Tom Quayle. For more guitar, amp and pedal reviews head to http://bit.ly/GuitarInteractive
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#Ibanez #Roadcore #330T #Guitar #Review #Guitar #Interactive #Magazine
Originally posted by UCS3QTujyp5t2nSSzktYFzWA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhvw0jxqKtM
No mention of the extra work Ibanez put into the two cancel coils under the pick-guard which keeps the pickups very quiet. Just bought one used & they’re solid guitars with great potential if you put a little fretboard finishing touches on it (polishing frets, fret edge filing if needed, fine sanding the fretboard w/800 grit, waxing the fretboard). A lot of people don’t even think to tighten up ALL, the tuner head bolts & screws which goes for any new guitar. I took those step’s & it’s a kickass guitar.
hey, put a little spring from a ballpoint pen in before you screw the trem arm in and yr saved 😉 great little pretty underrated guitars, me thinks greetz and stretch those strings indeed !
How much dose it weigh?
what amp do you play in this video? Thanks for info 🙂
Which one is the best, RC320, RC330T or SA160? Thanks
There are easy fixes for the screw in tremolo! I should know – I've used them on even cheaper Ibanezes where I floated the bridge.
I just fucking hate it when I look for a guitar review and all I get (or the first I get) is SOLO ATTACK!!
Tom why are you doing this? I just bought one of these Ibanez RC (Serial: 140509883) and it played awful! Finishing was good but it had a twisted neck, no less! So I sent it back to store and got another one (Serial: 140509933) which had an ok finish on the body, but the neck, albeit it wasn't twisted, was one of the worst I've ever played. Impossible to intonate, truss rod barely worked so the action was always high, fretwork was all over the place with sharp edges, etc. It's seriously THE worst guitar I've ever tried at this price range. I hope Ibanez doesn't go down this path because I used to really respect the brand. Btw I sent the second guitar back to store and got a Vintage V52 Telecaster. Much better guitar for that kinda money…
Do you guys recommend this guitar for those sounds
Adamlar-Koca Yaşlı Şişko Dünya
PWR BTTM- -Ugly cherries
I know they are different but do you recommend it ?
Stratocaster? Telecaster? Is that you?
Stratocaster? Telecaster? Is that you?
can we hear it on a clean channel please
When you play like that, you can make anything sounds awesome 🙂 … I have just bought the brown burst version RC320M which I love. But I tried this one you're demonstrating before I bought mine, and thought it was horribly cheap an nasty. Visually, I think they are going in a great design direction. I normally have a trem on my guitars and the 320M is the first time I've bought one without it… still loving it at the moment.
Please let us know what brand and model amp you are playing through!
Both guitars look and sound great, less "heavy metal" thankfully. Only thing I don't like is the trem system… it looks cheap and nasty. Great playing by the way.
Great video ! Thank you !
What amp are you using ?
Sounds great
looks like the Red Special
Ohhhh finally somebody that plays grate for the reviews!! The otrers channels has shoes trying strumming a guitar. goooo Tom!!
I want Tom to review his Suhr!
Man, this guys fantastic! You should make some instructional videos =D
dat playing :O <3
Great review, honest and straight forward. Tom Quayle's style of playing is excellent. Guitarist have to be careful listening to Tom's reviews due to the fact that, you'll want to purchase the guitar he's playing cause it sounds so good! 🙂
Love toms playing
Very Nice playing! Wow…