MOOER GE1000. Part one. The best affordable modeller and Multi FX I’ve tried. Very Impressive!
Hello all.
This is my first of three videos for Mooer’s GE1000. It’s the predecessor to Mooer’s new GS1000 the principle difference being the GS1000 has the capacity to capture amps and pedals etc. That’s not something I’m currently going for so I wen’t for the GE1000 when Mooer asked if I’d like to review one of their moddelers.
Straight out of the gate I’m mega impressed. I’ve reviewed a lot of modellers in this price range from this part of the world and while I’ve really been impressed what’s available for very reasonable money I really think this takes things u a notch. The sounds, connectivity, control options and form factor are genuinely significantly ahead of any other modellers i’ve tried in this price range. With some slightly enhanced MIDI options it really would be the first real contender for the HX effects as a gigging pedalboard controller and multi effects as well as a really great amp modeller.
In this video I do an overview and build some presets. There will be two videos to follow where I demonstrate complex switching and Use it as a pedalboard controller.
Massive Kudos to Mooer this is the real deal.
If You want to know more about Gain pedals in general check out this great new video course from Wampler where you can learn about all kinds of Gain pedals. Everything including Overdrive, Distortion, compressors, boosts, fuzzes, noise gates and buffers. The great Brian Wampler delivers the whole course himself and his knowledge of and passion for tone really shine through making this very extensive course continually engaging and entertaining while still being educational.
Top marks to Wampler for this really brilliant piece of content.
If you want to take the course ($79) you can sign up here:
25% off discount code for TGE viewers: tge25
And if you do sign up here I get a little kickback….. Which is Nice!
As always please drop any questions you have in the comments section and if you enjoy the video please like and subscribe.
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#MOOER #GE1000 #Part #affordable #modeller #Multi #Ive #Impressive
Originally posted by UCs3m1XZzQqr2adux5xU9B6A at
I wish there was a vst for it so we could use a demo to see if the pedal works for us before buying like what helix dose
Hi buddy. Great video and thanks – new subscriber here. I have the New G200 pro and its is the best modeller I’ve used yet ( sold a few ) however I have a question. What exactly is CAB THRU SIM ? Should it be on or should it be off ? I am running mine via FX LOOP to not muddy the sounds, into a Blackstar Tube 50w head and 1 x 12 cab. I’ve found lost of videos showing how to turn on and off but no one explains what it actually does. I note that if off it puts the cab and power amp at the end of the chain and turns them off. But it’s the one thing I cannot work out. Any help appreciated. Thanks. Pete
Love this unit. I power mine using USB-C powerbank with a myVolts USB-C PD Step Up Tip. Running dual cabs or impulse responses is amazing 🙂
Just found your channel thanks to fb . This is the best vid on this unit. Actually how to us it live Ty so much i had no idea you could get to all that with 4 buttons . Now it makes sense . I have a helix and wanted a smaller unit but didn’t want to compromise sounds and layers i use live on stage .
Mooer has excelents gears, but lacks on support… i have a ge300, that was released in 2019 as "kemper killer" or "the next helix" – multi fx released more than 10 years ago… but kemper and helix had firmware updates last year – while ge300 last update was only in 2022 ????
We ge300 users are fighting for updates, we also have an online petition asking for it ✊????
Advice please l have the Mooer GE200 multi fx which has been great for a number of years, this GE1000 looks a good upgrade. The only problem is l like the Sonicake Matribox 2 Pro (have not seen your video on this unit yet) is the GE1000 superior? Oops forgot about the GE200 Pro as well not sure if you have reviewed this?????