Tapping Techniques for Acoustic Guitar | Beginner Guitar Tips
Tapping is a technique using both your left and right hand to play notes on the fretboard. It’s a great way to add some speed to your solos, give your guitar playing a more percussive feel and allows for more unconventional lines that would be hard to play using only one hand. In this video, Nicholas Veinoglou demonstrates basic tapping using hammer-on and pull-off technique and introduces some ways that you can incorporate it into your playing.
00:00 Intro
00:20 Tapping Demonstration
00:48 Tapping Technique
01:24 Close
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#Tapping #Techniques #Acoustic #Guitar #Beginner #Guitar #Tips
Originally posted by UCr4kaFJ16UqtDQRzadrVkzw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bX5ZaO9PtU
I didn't know donut doctor worked at guitar centre
Why I don't get better sound, it's very low
guess who's back
Why does my guitar not make as much sound as yours when u do it? (How do I fix that?)
I expected Dr Dre song at the end????
So cool????????
Hammer ons with my pinky are so uncomfortable it feels like knives what should i do?
This mf looks like a good influence
Thanks, I really needed to learn this fast
Be aware that, beginners, hammering on and pulling off is really what is depicted here, very well and appreciably, but if you think about it from the beginning, how can you do the same exact thing and yet call it 'tapping'? Tapping is when you TAP and do not press the the string down at a point where it is dividing the string into sections which each have a relevance musically to the pitch of the string being tapped. Think of 'tapping' your buddy on the shoulder as opposed to 'hammering' him on the shoulder instead; VERY different results, and each deserves its own terminology. 40 years ago – one of the first things I learned about playing.????It is too late for me to change the world, unfortunately, lol—????
how guitar's notes was automaticly playing ur not strumming ????
ok you need to scratch the string at pull off im getting somewhere now
i need active emgs to tap but this guy does it on acoustic i just got rekt
When I try hammering on with my pinky it’s not letting out much of a sound
My acoustic doesn't make a very audible sound on pulling off, any help?
Thats kungfu
Thanks ???? this is so cool!
oh no learning guitar is gonna break my fingers, I already have to press so hard for my strings not to squeak at me, hammering is gonna amputate my fingers LOL ty for teaching this though it really helped!!
Thanks ????????
praise our Lord ???? thank you Jesus Christ for being our savior
@00;52, correct me if I'm wrong but the first note he plays on the 5th fret 'A',, isn't a hammer on as he says it is,… is it? With the hammer off he lifts the finger off the fret board. When I hammer on my finger is off the fret board then strikes the string (hammer on)
Even i tap the strings, it wont sound
Wow thanks man ????
This guy looks so kind.
Thank you
Thank you! Wonderful lesson ????
Kudos to you man, well explained for beginners unlike others who just wanna show off.
It's a short video on tapping yet shows underlying technique of tapping. I'm grateful it helped me much.
Thank you sooo much
Well, that was unexpected; I've been learning Paganini's caprice no.24 and was trying to work out how to get the speed on guitar (was trying very fast slides, sweep picking, different note configs etc) but was loosing out on note definition because, like a complete moron, I didn't think of this. Good thing my curiosity made me double-check my fundamentals – thanks a bunch for the video!
Anyone know what model Taylor that is?