Sire Z7 Review (Raw Tones)
Interesting Z7 with the roasted neck and added neck pick up.
Call Raymond at Music Connoisseur Singapore.
#Sire #Review #Raw #Tones
Originally posted by UCbV0h6yRNfYOM5xV7HGHgTw at
Too many buttons in the Z7s, and they look cheapy plastic????????
hey bro! i would just like to ask, is the string spacing on the Z7 the same on the V7? i'm planning to buy the Z7 and i wanna make sure the string spacing is to my liking! thanks a bunch
Which Sire Marcus Miller model would be more suitable for working on cruise ships and for finding jobs in various bands, big bands, and cover groups: the Z7 or the P8?
Hi Rama! Happy Holidays!
Excellent sound dude! One question, between the Z3 and the Z7 which one would you choose? Which one do you consider the best in sound and build quality.
Izin bertanya bang spil harganya dong SMM Z7,
Kalau untuk pembelian apakah harus PO dulu,
Terima kasih
How much is the price??
Hello, thank you for the video.
I would like to know how much this bass weighs, thank you in advance!
♥ Yamaha TRBX 605 — or — Sire Z7-5 ?
Just put my pre order in for 2025 they are all out of stock ????
Mine comes(HOPEFULLY) in 11 days.. same one.
i have got mine its amzing , love the music man vibe so had to get this its great covers everything
I've managed to snatch a b-stock 3-tone burst z7. Is it me or the neck pickup is not that bad in terms of volume drop compared to humbucker? I've seen lots of ppl been complaining about it.
I’ve been wanting one since the moment I seen them as a stingray player i really need to have this Z7!!you just can’t beat the deal, and I also wonder if they will have lawsuit from this lol
Thank you for this demo. This bass sounds great.
Could i possibly try out by coming down to the store?
Do you know the string spacing at the bridge for the 5 string? Even if you just know if its wider than V5 or M5
Can’t wait to get one , great sound and playing Rama !
Do they have one Z7 with the hard maple neck ?
I’m curious to hear if it has more punch .
Thank you forward Rama
SIRE IS A THREAT TO THE COMPETITION!!!! The look, sound, and tonal versatility for the money are impossible to beat!!! I was holding out for a Z7 5 but couldn't pass up a fantastic deal I got on a StingRay 5 H Special but I'm not ruling out getting one!!!
Im here again to ask, since many of your video i watch you been play a lot of different Sire version.
Which one is better between the Sire V8 ash vs Z7 ash
Thank you.
Love the look, love the sound! Thanks for the demo.
Awesome demo, thank you! I think you only closed the passive tone with both pickups engaged. This didn't sound very convincing sadly. The neck pickup soloed with tone (half) closed would have been interesting to hear. I hope this would sound better so it could be good for some Motown-style sounds.
Do you think Z3 can compete with Z7 in terms of stingray sound or no chance?