Tuesday, March 18, 2025

19 thoughts on “Paul Gilbert Clinic part 8 – “tricks to play jazz/blues”

  • "To sound like I know what I'm doing." He could play Bulgarian folk music and sound like he knows what he's doing!

  • Anyone figured the cool chords? Damn I suck at this. Thanks in advance for your help

  • you were my Hero when it comes to rock and HM, but pls this have nothing with jazz leave it to to jazz musicians, as you said do not understatement the blues, pls do not do the same with jazz it aint joke if it is easy than all rockers could go and jam some free jazz with fusion freaks- but it aint like that.

  • This is like David Copperfield telling you his trick of making the Status of Liberty disappeared.

  • true bb king (and a lot of others too) play the pentatonic major (which is the same as the 3 frets down trick, but without flattening the a..) over the I and normal minor or blues over IV chord. On the V it is logical to use E instead of F because the 5 chord C7 in this case contains E and not F (so C E G A#).. I would use straight harmonic minor or melodic minor to sound roots bluesey, but i would use it is jazz. 

    You can always use the notes or the modes referring to chord you are playing over.. so dominant 7 arps or even 9 (over IV and V). F Dorian and the myxolydian scales contain a lot a interesting licks too! But don't overuse this all too much in blues, if you want to sound 'classic'. If you want to sound more innovating or fusion, use all of this 😉

  • over the 4 chord (b flat dom. ) his essentially  substituting it for a ( d min. 7 flat 5)
    better known to rockers as 1/2 diminished and outlining the arpeggio note for note
    p.s. namaste pablo


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