Wednesday, March 19, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Vox MV50 Tube Amplifier Heads Review

Check out more guitar videos like this Vox MV50 Tube Amplifier Heads Review here:
For electric guitar amplifier heads that push 50 watts of power, the Vox MV50 series of amplifiers are about as small as they come. By utilizing their Nutube technology and a Class D power section, Vox is able to cram enough power and tone into these amps to power any electric guitar speaker cabinet, even at performance volumes.

Get the Vox MV50 AC here:

Get the Vox MV50 Clean here:

Get the Vox MV50 Rock here:

#Sweetwater #Vox

#Vox #MV50 #Tube #Amplifier #Heads #Review

Originally posted by UC1kdsZUTDSW1BtsHEoYx4WQ at

39 thoughts on “Vox MV50 Tube Amplifier Heads Review

  • These little guys give me a headache, i bought one on a whim and threw it in a drawer for a few years as i already had an egnator tweaker. I recently decided to pull it out and use it in a practice and it blew the tweaker out of the water. Ive since been bitten by the vox bug but cant bring myself to buy a better vox amp because these little buggers sound seriously good while being way way louder than you think. Vox has a knack for making things loud and these are no exception. You can daily drive these things no problem. 10/10, 100/100 A+ these are a must have for a guitarist

  • I’ve been considering the “Clean” iteration for a long time… I would construct an extra housing though because this amp—while small & light itself—must be used with LARGE power-supply cord / plastic brick that’s just like an old-fashioned laptop battery. (I don’t think it’s shown in this video.) Ya just KNOW that required part will accidentally get left at home, or forgotten at a gig / venue…

  • great video n amp .. but just one doubt .. Do the NUTUBE in this amp need some minutes to be ready for playing like a REAL TUBE AMP or can I just turn it on and start playing immediatly?? I'll appreciate someone reply me .. t-you =)

  • Very good demo. Thanks for your hard work. These amps are really something. When I think of the size and weight of what we used to carry back in the seventies it makes me laugh. Kids have it dead easy these days. 🙂

  • You said you plugged your mic directly into your video camera, which camera are you using?

  • If they had just included reverb I would consider getting one. But that just kills it for me as I'd have to buy the Vox head and then a reverb pedal. I can't live without reverb. Why, Vox, why? Remove that useless power gauge and add a reverb circuit.

  • So if I understand correctly, you can go out from the MV either into a cab with the speaker (red/right output jack) out or through the line out/headphone (left) output. What I don't like in the line out scenario is the fact that they give you a speaker emulation by default (not optional). Because the way I see the MV50's as very useful in my rig situation is: pre-MV50 -> distortion pedals/wah – MV50 on the verge of breakup -> all the modulation/delay/reverb stuff in a multi-FX unit -> into a powered cab (I have a 2×12 50 W 1st gen Atomic Amp with a real tube power amp). That way, it would all essentially be tubes: the Nutube in the MV50 preamp, bypassed its solid state power amp because the power amp is the tube in the Atomic. Does anyone think this could work?

  • hi everyone great great amp n' great vid as well..but got just one doubt..every time I turn on this amp there's a "PUC SOUND" n' I'd like to know if that sound could damage my cab I mean the speakers of my cab.. well I'll appreciate someone reply me ..t-you .. =)

  • Why is it just me that thought they all sounded much better direct than through the speaker? And I even love AC30s

  • I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the effort you put into your videos, and the level of professionalism and smooth and efficient information communication you consistently attain.

  • Which settings did you have when you started with the AC? Sounded like The Beatles' "Ticket to Ride" !!

  • Hello, When connecting line out to PA, do you suggest a cabinet simulation DI box (hughes Kettners Red box)? or does this already have amp modeling so I would just use a regular DI box, then XLR to PA system.


  • The clean tones sound almost the same whether it is the speaker or direct. But with the overdrive, they do sound different when it comes to direct and speaker. For a while, I liked the speaker better than it has grown on me that I liked the direct too. Good amp and I am so tempted to get one but I have four amps already. Peace, Flood!

  • Indeed, best demo so far.
    I imagine the noise is due the fluorescent tube. It must be getting cancelled out hitting the speaker mag, or being divided
    pos/neg for the speaker mag.

  • The AC version sounds best to me, they really did a great job of capturing the vibe of the AC series in that little head. The Clean
    version sounds great as well, but the Rock one I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. It's just not my thing.

    I will say this as well — that high frequency hiss I'm hearing on the direct recordings would NOT work for me. It's almost as loud and as noticeable as the overall guitar signal! Good thing it isn't nearly as noticeable through a miked up speaker!

  • best demo I have seen of these new VOX MV50 series micro heads, well done & thanks Mitch & Sweetwater 😀 … I like the AC and Rock best m/


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