My wife TRIED learning guitar on this. Did she? | AeroBand Guitar review
#aeroband #guitar
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In this video we’re looking at one of the most controversial pieces of tech of the last few days and while it is marketed to beginners it might actually be advanced players who could use it the most.
Gear used in the video:
Sennheiser MKE200
Gator Frameworks Lights
Sony A6400
Sony 18-135 OSS Lens
#wife #learning #guitar #AeroBand #Guitar #review
Originally posted by UCau-ezHPtKU_Y8ezk8bkvmg at
Leave a comment below with your thoughts about the Aeroband guitar. Would you ever consider something like this? What would you use it for?
It doesn`t work without the 2 adapters is because you`ve got your hat on the wrong way round. Peak should be towards the back, ????silly.
Very good and fair review.
Did anyone here actually buy this? It looks like fun. That’s all I’m interested in it for. Just to mess around and have fun.
Is there a way to get baritone guitar sounds from the AeroBand guitar?
This is not a guitar it is a toy
This isn't a guitar.
It's a BS gadget toy. A very expensive midi file keyboard strewn across a pretend fretboard.
You could always use it as an ashtray, or fling it over the shoulder of a Darth Vader statue.
Its so expensive if it was 99 dollars the same price as mdi keyboard and promoted as one I wouldnt see people having a problem with but to say that you are learning a guitar with a glorified toy is bad marketing.
i just like this guitar ,, there are many critic that this is not a guitar but for me it does not matter as long as it sounds goood, i also watched many guitar players on youtubers and concluded that good players makes good sound like you thank you for your video
How would something like this hold up against the Yamaha EZ AG? The difference is the silicone string frets versus button frets.
Do not buy this guiter .. sound is no good.. sound like shit..just for kid..$459 for toy? ..they are lier
What does it sound like through an amp?
It is so funny to read comments. Who plays "real" guitar are sh…ng on this product. Of cause if you play it frequently and developed these "blisters" and have a strong finger grab and many other things. But I play guitar may be ones a year, and every time I start it hurts my fingers, made my palm hurt and I keep not pressing hard strings, so sound come like a sh…i and I am not impressed and put my guitar back to its place. This product may by, I am still thinking, may be gives me some satisfaction and fun.
The two adapters, passing USB-C to USB-A, actually limits the speed of the connection. It's no longer to USB-C standards but up to USB 3.0. Maybe their USB-C implementation is flawed or this is a weird incompatibility with your computer.
i smell sniff a dutch accent ????
Hm, technically I’m interested, but a beginners instrument definitely a no go. I recommend to start with a classic/nylon stringed guitar coz the beginners fingertips won’t hurt that much. After some time it is easy then to change to steel strings with only a little pain. They will learn to endure it easily and won’t give up. Yeah, more than one guitar is needed but I guess we all have more than just one or two… ???? Thx for doing this vids, go on ❣️???? ????
How do you bend notes on the aero guitar?
Dit speelgoed is in de mode en ik vind het een zeer slecht idee om hiermee te beginnen als iemand gitaar wil leren. Ik geef al 30 jaar les en pijn in de vingers mag geen reden zijn om over te stappen op deze methode. Dit speelgoed heeft teveel beperkingen om goed te zijn. Heel rustig opbouwen om eelt te kweken , daarna rust pauzes , en dan weer spelen. De "pijn" hoort er bij en wordt minder. Een snaar moet gevoeld worden. Ook waar je tussen de frets de snaar indrukt is van invloed op de intonatie en kan een akkoord maken of of dissonant laten klinken vandaar dat een goeie postionering van de vingers belangrijk is. In het goeie vakje zitten is niet genoeg. Gelukkig beginnen steeds meer vooraanstaande influencers en content creators die zelf muzikant zijn dit speelgoed als speelgoed te bestempelen en zich er tegen uit te spreken. Voor wat synths te spelen, oke , maar ook hierin biedt het instrument beperkingen. Als het €70 euro zou kosten dan zou je het nog kunnen overwegen maar €500 slaat nergens op
I’ve been learning guitar at an extremely slow pace simply due to arthritis pain in my left hand. Basically it boils down to maybe a maximum of 30 minutes of actual chord shapes before my hand begins to hurt. And yes, that’s with breaks, so you can imagine how little I’m able to accomplish before having to put it down. Yet obviously, learning shapes and transitions to other chords takes additional time and practice.
So while I’m aware the Aeroband isn’t really a guitar, it looks like a great tool to extend my practice sessions without over stressing my hand, so that I could get these shapes and transitions down better (muscle memory) and then work on a real guitar and have a better chance of actually putting together some changes from a tune. I know the shapes directly translate, and with additional pressure on a real guitar neck, things might come together more efficiently.
Would that be a fairly accurate assumption?
I bought the Aero Drum sticks Plus 2 and man they sound great I played Whisky in the Jay with the sticks checkout my Video.
the Adapter may have a choke in it so that it doesn't get that echo sound maybe
At least it comes apart so it fits in the trash can.
I just reviewed this for Amazon and you are 100% correct. I think like you said if you use this it doesn’t help when you try a real guitar ????.Two totally different instruments.For the price it’s not worth it
I am 72 April…. my hands are shot…. Once I played hard rock for fun with the guys but I have not played at all for over 10 years…. With my arthritis its hard to make quick movements, maybe not having to apply pressure it would be different…. I do not think so….. Amy way 500.00 dollars is not such a big investment if I could learn to play differently….. But honestly, bar cords and bending strings is just about all I know… Your thoughts…Rog
I really think it is cool as a MIDI Controller… But it is too expensive… And also, it can not do vibratos, and that limits a lot of the "strings stuff" you can play with that… It is more expensive, but the Jamstik can do so much more than that… If I had to pick one, I would pay more to get the better product…
If this one costs about 250 dolar I would buy it hands down… But for more than 500? There is no way
A very (almost) unbiased review 🙂 i think it's hard for a guitarist to be objective about this product, especially one that can input midi with a regular keyboard. I think it may have been a fairer comparison if your wife had tried a strat style guitar with nice light strings …9s, rather than that bulky old Epiphone lol. And, interesting that she said as a beginner she had fun with it. IMHO this product is pretty useless for a guitarist, but maybe could be enjoyed by a beginner although the transition to a real guitar would be just as hard. However, $500 ish for a bit of fun… you'd need to be quite wealthy and I'm sure $500 spent more wisely could give someone a lot more fun :)) So maybe at around $99 product could have legs.
Is Don your Dad.?
i am only interested in this guitar as a midi controller and am concerned if it produces ghost notes
Hello, how can I connect my aeroband guitar to ipad 11. Garage band has too much latency via bluetooth.Thank you friend
Hello, how can I connect my aeroband guitar to ipad 11. Garage band has too much latency via bluetooth.Thank you friend
Your wife is very pretty and nice and a real trooper for doing this video
❣️ Promo sm
I have to disagree.
TLDR: I recommend the AeroGuitar for beginners who have tried and failed with a real guitar because of finger pain. (Explained in detail below).
I am a beginner at guitar and a singer in a band. I've actually owned an electric guitar for over 20 years and have always wanted to be able to play it. I own RockSmith 2014 and over the years I have made attempts multiple times to learn it.
Each time I have a lot of fun playing, but it's always for a short while and my fingers end up in so much pain that I have to stop. The pain will continue for over a week and I work as a software developer, which makes doing my job painful and distracting. Attempting to play again while my fingers are sore causes an even shorter period of time I can play.
Having to wait for my fingers heal between times I can practice, causes me to forget what I previous learned, and every time I end up just losing interest.
I bought the AeroBand Guitar specifically so I can play RockSmith and be able to practice for longer sessions, Which is exactly what has happened. I usually play with it now for two or three hours at a time, several times a week and have had it since Oct 13th. I've learned multiple chords and am getting faster at switching between them. The built-in games in RockSmith have been great for teaching me muscle memory, I can for the most part pick the correct strings and proper fret without looking now.
I absolutely agree that I will not be able to play my real guitar as well at first, and because of the AeroBands limitations, I would never use it for playing live. But the point for me is that I see this guitar as a stepping stone to build the muscle memory for chords, strings, frets, and I guarantee you I will play the real guitar better than I ever have.
My plan is to start working in short sessions with my real guitar to toughen up my fingers, but continue to mostly practice on the AeroBand so I can keep up the momentum and enthusiasm. I am having a lot of fun with it, and the fact that It breaks into two pieces means I can put it in my normal luggage when I travel 🙂
USB-C connetocrs are ridiculously fragile. If it had standard MIDI outputs it looks like it could be a reasonable MIDI controller. Even TRS MIDI would be more useful.
Looks like it needs a few fixes before I would be interested. It doesn't look very robust,especially for the price, and there are already other MIDI controller guitars out there.
So costs too much, and does too little irrespective of price.
Needs more work…
I’m saddened by the companies adapter cord problem. Seems like they would use a cord that would not have so many connections. We all know the more you extend a cable, the more chances of failure you’ll have.
My fingers hurt? Do I really need to trim my nails that close? A teachers reoccurring nightmare.
I like the synth sounds but most guitarist don’t have a midi setup laying around with the thirty four tube amps in the wings.
I noticed the guitar didn’t track finger bending of the non-existent strings. Maybe I missed something.
Real guitars, set up for the students physical needs will never be replaced by a non-string instrument.
Thanks for the video on this product. I can see value and I can see disappointment. Especially when it involves a newby with hopes to become a rock star. Crappy guitars are the Bain of a teachers existence. It will make or break a kid that wants to learn if it’s always a fight to just hold onto it or keep it tuned. High action and heavier strings are easy to overcome with some basic prep work.
It’s disheartening to see a kid who really wants to learn but can’t because of a lousy guitar and impatience parents.
Keep the music live and fun.
Best wishes. ✌️????????????
As a synth I see the use, but at that price point my midi keyboard is fine, otherwise the novation launchpad more than suffices…this is totally unnecessary
No beginner or new player should ever use that piece of trash
Great video man, Im subbing.
That white Jackson in the back ????