Glarry Gw101 Mini-Bass Review! How is this budget micro-scale travel bass?
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Glarry Electric Bass Guitar:
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Bassist: Adam Small
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#Glarry #Gw101 #MiniBass #Review #budget #microscale #travel #bass
Originally posted by UCFx3gJJIqnWLbzvSq9_lAyQ at
Do you have a video of you setting up the bass? Or can you recommend a link or video of how to setup a bass the way you needed to setup that one?
Honestly I love the shape of it, it'd be a neat mod platform to drag around
So if you wanted to upgrade the strings where would you get strings for such a short scale, or do you buy full size strings and chop them down to size?
I have this bass for almost 6 months and I really like it. I think I'll try to mod it and put a MusicMan Humbucker and disconnect the neck pickup to make it like a travel Stingray.
Only thing I'm still struggling with this is to get new strings that fit the 25.5 inch scale, I can't find any good options for rounds or flatwounds.
This offers a lot of value. Needs a little work on setup, mine had a few sharp frets I had to file, but the body, electronics, bridge and hardware will do the job nicely straight out of the box.
Any word on how it handles drop tunings? (Not crazy low just Drop Cish range)
That's a cool bass. For that price it's almost crazy not to get one.
This is the most honest and spot on review of the Glarry Gw101 Mini-Bass, so far. I've had one for about a year now and everything you're saying about the pros and cons is 100% accurate. I'm still in love with it! I'm a guitar player, so for me, it feels better than a full-scale bass.
Changed the bridge to a cheap adjustable spacing bridge from Guyker, because I wanted to put a set of EB 0.110 flats on it. While I was at it I did a full set up. Now it sounds amazing! It’s a great deep round tone especially with foam mute at the bridge.