Wednesday, March 19, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

Yamaha CS80 vs Xils-Lab The Eighty: Ultimate Sound Showdown!

In this video, we dive into the ultimate comparison between the legendary Yamaha CS80, the iconic synth behind Blade Runner and countless classics, and the brand-new Xils-Lab The Eighty VST – a cutting-edge emulation of the original. I put these two head-to-head, exploring:
• Raw waveforms and the sound engine
• Ring modulation and pitch bend capabilities
• Dry sounds and FX comparisons
• Iconic licks from Vangelis and Michael Jackson
Whether you’re a synth enthusiast or looking for your next VST, this video has you covered. Let’s see if the future of VSTs can truly match the past of analog synths!”

Timestamp Title
00:00 Intro
00:14 Comparisons are Dry with No FX
00:23 Vangelis Chariots Of Fire Brass Melody
01:37 Dr Who Theme Bass
02:20 Vangelis Blade Runner String Pad
03:55 Funk
04:21 Harpsichord
04:31 El Piano/Bass
04:46 Str 1 / 2
05:05 With FX Comparison
05:10 Vangelis Chariots Of Fire Brass Lick
05:52 Tweaking “The Eighty” FX
06:06 No FX
06:16 Ring Modulator
06:23 Dr Who Signature Sting
06:45 Michael Jackson Human Nature Brass Pad
07:24 Tone Pad with Glide
07:41 Bell Sound inc programming-Quick
08:32 Raw Oscillators
09:33 Bank 1 & Bank 2 Simultaneously
09:55 Add Sub-Osc to the Waveform Sound
10:15 The Eighty Presets with FX
10:26 The Eighty has 3 Banks of VCOs!
10:36 Bells with FX
10:51 More Bells
11:11 Chimes
11:22 Delicate Crickets
11:30 Round Up

Thanks @edstokesmusic for the Sound
Thanks Oihenart Garai – Thumbnail

#YamahaCS80 #XilsLabTheEighty #SynthComparison #BladeRunnerSynth #CS80Emulation #MusicProduction #SoundDesign #Vangelis #MichaelJackson #VSTReview

Website ????
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YouTube ???? @AndyWhitmore

#Yamaha #CS80 #XilsLab #Ultimate #Sound #Showdown

Originally posted by UCpfWlI98js4Y6lQZNqzM9pw at

24 thoughts on “Yamaha CS80 vs Xils-Lab The Eighty: Ultimate Sound Showdown!

  • Forget the fact that the CS80 was hooked up to grandma's wireless…

    The aftertouch with those layers on the CS80 is profoundly legendary.

  • A fair comparison with a working CS80 and the Software is at jose' Vintage Keys.
    Xils lab really nailed it, and with PolyAT it sounds even closer to the real stuff.
    So check it out.

  • The only one I've seen make the hardware CS80 sound great in a video is GForce. Fwiw Vangelis's assistant said they cranked the voltages on the CS80 to get a more aggressive sound from it.

    Someone needs to make a hardware and software version of the ring mod. It's the best I've heard. The rest of the synth belongs in a museum. Except the ribbon controller.

  • This comparison is a JOKE.It seems that you tried a lot to make yamaha cs80 to sound awful like this….even the setings are not the same.

  • Sure, the CS-80 has its resonance maxed, but this is still useful if you mentally ignore the resonance and listen to the oscillators versus The Eighty. But looking forward to a re-do of this video, even though I already have bought The Eighty (and like it).

  • It would be better to delete this video and redo it. Clearly as others have already said, the real CS-80 is not sounding the way it supposed to sound and seems to have the resonance of the filter all the way up where it shouldn't be. Too bad!

  • Oof not sure why your CS-80 sounds like a nasal mess, but that's not right!

  • What’s going on with your cs80? Sounds quite off. (Can’t see the panel well from my phone but can certainly hear it). Def not doing the cs80 justice here.

  • I was honestly looking forward to this comparison but the hardware CS-80 has a much higher resonance setting than the vst. The plugin sounds better in all the examples tbh

  • This comparison is rendered absolutely useless due to you leaving the 'Resonance' faders on all four filters on the hardware CS-80 MAXED OUT the entire time!

  • It seems like the resonance on the CS80 is at maximum whereas the plug-in has no resonance at all. That’s why the CS-80 sounds thin and nasal. Honestly, in this comparison the plug-in sounds way better than the OG

  • The real cs80 sound very different to other videos, you did im the past. It feels that the midrange frequencies are boosted?

  • Yeah well, there is nothing alike the original. I'm working on a CS-80 emulation myself, or not so much an emulation as a software synthesizer inspired by it. You can only ever get so close, but I'm happy to say I'm already doing a better job on some features than most of the big companies cashing in on the name 😉

  • What do you say about something that exists between THE EIGHTY and about Arturia CS80V ? (both are Great I think )
    And on actual CS80,how often tuning each 16 soundboards are needed?

  • Hi, what about Softube and Arturia's versions? Why so hype with this new (another) emulations? Thank you! PS: Very different sounds comparison, you don't match parameters??


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