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DISCLAIMER – all views contained herein are mine and mine alone. My comments merely reflect my own, individual experience with this gear. They do not necessarily reflect what your personal experience may be as a potential customer of the brand I am reviewing.
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Originally posted by UCUdZ3AsV1douTgxXCeu-4tw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQq1aQvhxmY
This is the review that I needed for this bass…great job man….yeah!!!!
I have tried endlessly to get that tone with all types of gear. It's never just right
Absolutely the best review i've seen for this guitar. Very in-depth and enjoyable to watch. I gotta ask, how do you feel about this guitar now if you still have it? The only thing I think I wouldn't like is the knobs being where they are like you mentioned. Idk if I would be able to work with that or not.
What amp sim are you using?
Ibanez really has been out doing themselves lately. I love this thing a lot. Great review!
I just got the new Rg-8 with fan frets. (Had the old Rg-8. Got it in about 2016 and it was my main guitar gor years).
And let me tell you. With the new Rg-8.
Its like they read my mind about all my dislikes and actually addressed them properly.
Im in love with my new baby. Theyre very solid instruments.
How to tone ? Is The same guitar tone?
1E,2B,3G,4D,5A,6E ? ????
I used to have the older src6 model. Loved that thing. Installed some 7 string bkp juggernauts in it. It was disgusting.
What pick is that? Looks incredible, especially for bass!
I bought one of these few months back, and I use the tunning the is on the Ibanez page, but it doesn't sound like yours. Can you please tell me what tunning you are using. Great demo! Thanks!
That drink you have doesn't really sound like a Stout to me. Sounds more like a kind of drink they used to make many years ago in England called a Porter as its got coffee in it…
Just bought one and used it live. I love it! Very inspiring, indeed!
Man, I was set on the Iron Label baritone RG, but it's way expensive and only 28" scale, this might be a much better option.
Another tattooed moron. Thanks for nothing.
The demo songs are always so ridiculously good.
Why medium sized frets!
Sounds brutal
Bro, your hair is magnificent. Damn dude. Like, fuck.
IMO they should have put guitar tuners on that bass instead of the Y shape bass tuners for aesthetics. Also not use a clear finish on a body with more than two pieces that are also often mismatching, cuz I've seen photos of this model with even a 4 piece body that looks grotesque, and concerning on that price range.
Your intro was an ass kicker! Great demo of the instrument. Thanks for the concise, informative presentation.
I just got mine today from K.S.M music in Logan Utah my friend's at the shop ordered it for me six months ago
I really want one of these but I'm SUPER sketched out by anyone showing stock photos. A lot of these looks AWFUL with the 3 piece body, you kind of have to luck out for something that looks relatively cohesive. Hoping I come across a nice one in person when I've got some pocket change.
What tuning is this?
Thirty inch Bourbon guitar made by Geese. Sounds Canadian to me.
Wicked! I want to get this and play Baroque jams! ????????????
That was some really heavy stuff ???? you make great reviews, and great recorded, really cool videos ????