Acoustic string on an electric #guitar #strings #acoustic #iplayslinky
#Acoustic #string #electric #guitar #strings #acoustic #iplayslinky
Originally posted by UC6MooWu1fLyr3dhPR_16OCQ at
#Acoustic #string #electric #guitar #strings #acoustic #iplayslinky
Originally posted by UC6MooWu1fLyr3dhPR_16OCQ at
I love Ernie Ball electric strings, but they sound like a vaginal fart compared to D’Addario & Martin strings…at least on every Martin guitar I have had. Maybe they jive with Taylor or other bracing/body combinations.
Bro David pazmino did it and it sounds amazing
Ernie Ball shouldn't be allowed to make strings. They're absolute garbage
(their bass strings are ok)
Bro uses Ernie Ball ????
If they are metal inclluded, shure they sounds. That is physic
ahh!! so if you put distortion on and shred it doesn't make a bit of difference. good to know
You look like young Johnny Depp and Twistz from Liquid
needs more stickers!!
I was in a doom metal band in college, and our guitarist would always use acoustic strings because he liked how fat his tone was with them.
Tele/Strat…? WHY…?
Never mind that nickel strings are easier to play…. There's no reason to string an electric with bronze.
Not a fan of his playing style
If you know what you’re doing and don’t fuck your guitar it has a softer sound and a looser feel for some reason my pick ups had a hard time getting the sound but I switched them out for something hotter and turned up the gain all the way and turned down my guitar almost all the way and got a pretty nice clean tone
your guitars make me want to cry
and now electric on acoustic
Try with nylon, I’m curious
That guitar has seen better times I hope
Neither should stickers
What’s the shirt say??
Different sound good idea!!!
I wouldn't recommend as Acoustic guitar strings are stiffer and higher tension than nickel (electric strings). And 80/20 or phosphorus bronze doesn't have any magnetic fields in it.
Bros neck lookin like ( Or /
Signature tone? ????
If you have a pickup, you have to have steel or bronze strings. Nylon produces no output from a pickup, it's a frickin plastic.
Bro doesn't understand electromagnets ????
I had to use a low E string for acoustic guitars for my electric guitar and it sounds and looks pretty rad
I hate the internet
Rip that neck. At least those are light strings
I use electric strings on my acoustic so my soundhole pickup works
Why did you not think it's was gonna work.
I use electric string on acoustic
Only if you are stupid and don't know how magnets work
And ngl I'm honestly surprised your a thing
Hey man I love guitar, but I'm sorry who the fuck cares
Sounds shit
Try nylon string
What tunes do you use?
Bro's guitars look like a middle schooler's desk.
2.05k subs keep it up btw new subscriber ????
I knew ppl who used a wound g string on electric I think you buy sets still idk
I do not like Ernie ball strings I prefer elixir or something like that
That isn't a tele strat that it just a hss strat bro
What’s a tele strat?
Mix of electric guitar, bass and acoustic guitar hah Dayum
I run electric strings on my acoustic
Earthwoods, oof