The Winery Dogs Rig Rundown with Richie Kotzen & Billy Sheehan
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Richie Kotzen and Billy Sheehan took a breather after soundcheck at the Wildhorse Saloon in Nashville to speak with Premier Guitar’s John Bohlinger about their signature rigs.
Even during the era of pointed headstocks, Richie played a Tele and just recently his signature model became available in the U.S. It features a contoured ash body, maple top and neck, and sports a pair of DiMarzio pickups—the Twang King in the neck and Chopper T in the bridge. Kotzen also expanded the traditional 3-way Tele wiring to include a rotary series/parallel knob. Plus, the small switch between the two knobs activates a tuner that lives around his volume knob. Finally, there’s a Hipshot GT2 Electric Xtender that allows Kotzen to quickly move to drop D. He strings up his Tele with D’Addario .011–.049 strings.
Sheehan tours with the prototype of the third version of his signature Yamaha Attitude bass. He also has an identical production model as a backup. (Sheehan claims that the production model is “tighter” than the prototype.)
To continue learning about the gear behind The Winery Dogs’ live sound, visit:
#Winery #Dogs #Rig #Rundown #Richie #Kotzen #Billy #Sheehan
Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at
String Masters!!!????????
head on ya john haha. love ya bro!
Sheehans tone blows ass
Um pedal de Wah feito no Brasil.
Something About Bolenger…
Is the hair on purpose ?
Mr Ritchie Kotzen tryin so hard to not to look at your Melon but your haircut is a thorn in everyone's eye!!!!! jesus !!!
John has one of those built in handsfree hair mics. Fair play to Ritchie for keeping a straight face ???? What a cool simplified rig a credit to Ritchie's technique and skills
Does John Bohlinger's hair remind anyone else of the movie "There's Something About Mary"?
Damn my man went gray quick as hell, unless he was endorsed by just for men back then.
I wonder if Richie knows the meaning of his name in German.????????
Something About Mary hair?
Bumblebee Tuna, John!
Aaaaaaaaalllll-righty then!!!! ????????
That's some serious Something About Mary hair ????????
The hair. WTF?
I watched 4 of this Rig Tour with Richie. I like him, he is a down to earth guy. And i like his Simple Rig's. I know just a few more they play like him (without a Spaceship of Pedals)
me included!
I have an Engl Artist and a Delay. It's all you need. Like he said, all you need is an Amp that sounds good to you ????????????
Name the Haircut! ????????
10:19 Phantom Power
Tf is up with his hair
Ace Ventura meets Billy Sheehan.
A small man is surfing your hair wave
Honestly I´d rather see Richie getting "Mother Head's Family Reunion" together. Still his best project! and Atma Anur is probably one of the most underrated drummers ever, least talked about at least… Mike Portnoy…eh…the most hyped up, talked about drummer ever… Not saying he´s bad at all, just uninteresting…unoriginal (compared to the great ones…in my opinion…)
I hear Billy got as good as he is by being a scientologist. Have to look in to it and perhaps it helps me with my bass-playing. I´m SURE it will…
Man woke up and thought: "Today I want to look like a retard…Maybe I can do something with my hair"
This guy should be as famous as John Mayer.
wtf with the hair? can't watch this shit… idiot.
Something About Mary
How'd you guys get Ace Ventura to interview Kotzen?
With Yamaha for 30 years. Longer than half of the people on earth have been alive.
Something About Mary?!?!
Right on for being such a good sport. For me, this is a favorite rig rundown. Love that Tele!!!
Would love an updated run down
His voices sounds like jack sparrow of music ???????? ! this guy is just awesome !
interviewed by ace ventura
What spectacularly regular folks. Thank God for good people, good musicians and the Winery Dogs.
What was John Bolger thinking! The hair! Reminds me of the mole scenes from Austin Powers.
The one band where you can actually here the bassist!
Have a lot of respect for musicians who actually use the gear they endorse. Great work Ritchie and Billy
great Interview from Ace Ventura:-)
Something About Mary comes to mind…
There's something about Mary comes to mind haha. Great to see WD's though, love these guys.
Someone's been watching There's Something About Mary…
Lmao @ John’s Ace Ventura hair.
Pet detective joke super funny
Ritchie is my kind of guitarist. one of a kind
I wanna stand up and do the wave – anyone with me?