Saturday, March 29, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

What’s The Difference? Epiphone and Gibson Les Paul Standard 60s

#epiphone #gibson #guitar #lespaul @gibsonguitar @OfficialEpiphone

Here is the Sound Comparison Video:

00:00 Intro
00:30 Basic Information
02:42 I Write the Differences Down… Here’s what I SKIPPED Last Time!
05:09 Big List of Differences
31:57 Final Piece of Information

#Whats #Difference #Epiphone #Gibson #Les #Paul #Standard #60s

Originally posted by UCM811MMB3HFNNtWhPc8vgZQ at

10 thoughts on “What’s The Difference? Epiphone and Gibson Les Paul Standard 60s

  • For Grover tuning machines ….. What I find is G2 made in China but Rotomatics made in Taiwan and Korea. Could explain the two different tiers. Just a thought.

  • I immediately preferred the extra tension on the Gibson. I couldn't figure out why, because it all seems the same, but yeah, it's the headstock and bridge angles. Bigger angles in the Gibson. Definitely feels and resonates better to me.

    Also the finish… Epiphone is a lot thicker and feels like plastic. Gibson feels and resonates like a chunk of wood.

    The binding on Gibson feels like a matte plastic to touch… on the Epiphone if feels just the same as the rest of the body, but in a different colour.
    And then the sound… the Gibson sounds like a fully open humbucker.. the Epiphone sounds like a Gibson with the tone at ~8/10.

    Is the difference worth the price didference? Yes. Because nobody else makes the same Gibson Les Paul for less money. Anyone who sells cheaper, makes a different guitar and in a different place (i dont care where its made, but made in USA is more expensive, period).

    Ohh also the tuners. Big difference in how the turn and feel. Gibson feels heavier and better for fine tuning.

  • Looking at them side by side I can already spot a difference that I can’t stand. That is the different shaped cutaway and horn. It’s pretty easy to see that the Epiphone has a shallower cutaway and more rounded horn. It’s not bad, in fact I kind of prefer it, but the point is it is different and that is dumb to not use the correct shape when the whole point is that customers are purchasing licensed replicas of Gibsons. It defeats the point of buying an Epiphone to get as close as possible to a Gibson. Might as well just buy the cheaper Chibsons. They are probably made in the same factory????????????.

  • The biggest problem I have with an Epiphone is the half inch layer of plastic poly they're finished with, they're basically plastic guitars…imo

  • 13:00 Just to throw my experience out there, I have two Gibson Les Pauls and one Epiphone, and in the last 30 years I've played plenty of others, but the only guitar I've ever experienced the E string hanging up in/under a fret, was this 2001 Epiphone Les Paul from Japan. The bridge isn't on enough of a slant, so it doesn't intonate. The neck angle is too shallow, so the pickups aren't flush with the rings. The bridge and tailpiece are off center so the high E runs out of room the higher up the board you get. Everything that could be wrong with this thing, is. It's a paperweight. My other Epiphones have been decent, but I can't in good conscience trade/sell this one off when it's triple messed up! And from Japan of all places. September '01. Last Epiphone I ever touched, and good luck changing that now.

  • I currently own two Epiphone SGs and a Les Paul. They're great. I've had the Les Paul twenty-two years. I bought a Tony Iommi ebony SG Custom that didn't come with a case. Other than that, I've never had to pay for a case. I've almost ALWAYS been able to talk them into a case. Especially over the $1,000 guitars.


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